Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 8, 18 January 1890 — MEETING OF PORTUGESE. [ARTICLE]


MOIU; ONK IH'Nl'iifc.D ANL) JfJITV l'Ktest^X, The-couixmtt.ec of tl>« Mccliauie*b Uniou in\itcd ♦ fiu.in? B t 0 jy>s^*i ; ou ōf ve***j in«*»>*ag at tb« of T\ llliiii liilli l;tst <6VvUIUg. Wfoi'o tln. ū\> pomt#d time for eommeuom,;, the bidl aiul th« m>uvoh«*hcw tlicic:o wciv crowiltfd, At sevuu th<j pre*ideut o* tlis UuioP, Mr, Plullij Vfc i, tht» uit*©!\ng to order au<l hu* nouaowl that th«« prvH>WMlings wouLllw couduuU4 io the lttiigwago. Mr. C, L. Brita w «a vot©tl to thc cliuir, aud iu wel! cho6.cn remarks iiitroiTueed Mr. A. who en ri«mg <pnte an ovaiion. Thia * 1 . - \ 4* - v i * * t * +.v»l Auiougst hisi l*ortugueso fricuds) spoke for ovor aa lioui' to a* i»ost attenti v e audieuco» and mauy of his remarks elicited thuuuering approval. At tho H<m« of hw snwwh he was euthnsiastic*»Hj «*nn .cnn<ud*i ute wju» \niauuuv»usiy ..ui>t;;iued. Mt\ Veim, aetitig *eeyeta»7 of the meeiing» loweil with a very witty aildress, aud e,eated miri:h aud apj>muse iu ihe audieucc ( alū;r whiuh Mi*. t rowley bj oke ou the high t>tatc of eiviliza* tkin of Foitugal, Hiid eoueluded wilh «ome verj >tvjVinor f i>Umt ihe tv*orVīng>i; of tlie prt>>eut Komegtiad Lūw, bhowing tl:at tiic eonduei vi the pre<*ut waā s>impij disgru(?eful, mauj of the lmyers ot gov»*rumeut lots haviug ba<t io wimmmh the*r elanuH &ud lo«e mouej aimplj m ol the i>over»uieut uot f ilfill. ing ttieir prom : opetuug iiew roa«.s of to ihe His argiiment weiii iight Lome withi ma:ty Pottuguese preseut ( who kuew of tLe faet, Severat oth«c-r hpeeehea were ma le, aud Mr. McCarthj, tV.e p<»jmlar eatididate for iiob!e, who was reewved with loud ohw*s, eoiteluded w ith Wt?II ehuhēu «i:yuu,cut uiiu piuelieal puiuia, «fter whieh theaudtēiiee d*sperHed fiighly pl«.'uscd with the pveeeedhīgß, "l'his meetiiig was eertaiulf the uifst numerons of aut I\»ituguese gathering > t «eki īu the io\fu, uud shows the l»vely inth«f the IV»jti»Ve 10 thoir devuted «t!vocn»? m«d A. Mar<iU#-s.