Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Papakilo Database Forum

General Category => Share your mana'o! => Topic started by: admin on May 09, 2008, 07:54:39 am

Title: OHA's Papakilo Database Community forum
Post by: admin on May 09, 2008, 07:54:39 am
Aloha and welcome to OHA's Wahi Pana Database Community forum.  The purpose of this forum is to provide OHA's beneficiaries a forum to share their mana'o on different Wahi Pana (Places of Historic Significance).  Keeping with the 'Olelo No`eau; "`A`ohe pau ka `ike I ka hälau ho`okahi, All knowledge is not taught in the same school." OHA realizes that we do not have all the information.

Please feel free to post mo'olelo (stories), mele (songs and/or chants) and mana`o (thoughts and knowledge) about your favorite Wahi Pana.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Title: Re: OHA's Papakilo Database Community forum
Post by: lucifer1413 on June 06, 2020, 02:50:23 pm
Thanks for all the tips mentioned in this article! it's always good to read things you have heard before and are implementing, but from a different perspective, always pick up some extra bits of information. Visit@ (