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Māhele ʻĀina Index - Foreign Testimony - Reel 4 Volume 15 Image 00429
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rkallstrom Papakea, I believe, is a lele of Kawela located in Pelekunu on the north side of Molokai, geographically in the Koolau moku.
rkallstrom 6365 Kahapuu Sept 30, 1853 Kahalekapu, sworn. Knows the claimant's apana in Papakea, Kawela,Pelekunu. Apana 1. Taro lands. Apana 2. House site situated in the coconut [grove?] Apana 1. Mauka, konohiki lands. Halawa, cliff. Makai, kula. Kalaupapa, a stream. Apana 2. Surrounded by konohiki lands. Claimant acquired these lands from Kiau from the time of Kameha [next page]
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