Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [ARTICLE]
For th« gui4&nei of tbe candl(!at#i presentcd and ftt tt 4 next eleellon in the island of H, l. f bv the combincd politkdl Associ&tions,th« Mechanics* Union and the Hui Kaliiaina,
t. Our *re r«'iulred to promot* tad JtstVnd ail f »r tbf aa** of tbf *vorKin~ »nd to oppo»e wb*u Vct oiight b* MbT«ms 4 ōf tlicir ri£ht* wd ta:ere>U. oot lin4r ko , OTer tb*t *Tl \n tbe n«»tion heiu^ a£&« eutiil<-i1 f o eofl*td»rmtīoi\ *sd i/rwt»ctwa. **J mn*x iw*d* tor ;b« «aJorltj of tht people, on *he basis oi tor *1S th« civilu<rd nw' > " *oi '»,»;>n,n<i pcrv»>rtcU to ;bt or purp«~**e« ot »ny ctiqis«, iaeuou v>r eoumj; 2. Ootr t»u4t4sit¥« cmi>h»tio«nT ple4£td t;i n>* - T*!n tho »t» ohil# i»dt*p s, ulonc* |«Ciiovt of lh«» Kioj:<io(fi »cid *jcivc uol 10 sui poi t miv fc tuJVf ;t\«w * - N W<asarrn *wd tW»h-- *nue\atio» or »bforptlgn of our bv MV>" o!hir po«xn nu', ior ibt paip.-s. A form*'< r*cognltiou o? oar *-h » d?Sult* su*rM*te*ofn*uī»*i richt- *Ut , y wiU trtror* i»i »puēAl, not ouly *<-* X?>- i.n, b«tftU *to «II tlu' Or?*»t Pow*-* who hs\ * kti!iv; it» L'lVifv»«* up *»ivi ». v«».cs v* »> ■ • ; they wIH ai*o ro\iut<??;*ucr tlw »'-imuuMKM? » % t vii»' pieieai Ut c;pro»'U/ "I"ic»t.v *ith 4 S~c Ui'slcvl S?UW* >>f U »dci U«». n>«Brratl?u ti<!>*#eee» f a«t īn tha«vour ot *n *tut»ira-, llon or *lter*tlon of thcir pne»fnt Knilī», linn aii ®n 1 > ī<berr t; N lOop» to mc«ī ll^e o«*t*u.;ency; ' i ,5. WhiUl aepree»tin* *ny iU-coD4idcred Um-! p«rius: witL the p***ent Constitutiou t *e Ihiak tb»t -4roai iUh«va>g heen fr&med Ttrj La» tilj—!t le ; *e*€i**rily liiipertect, aiid thsf \ be^tbftii ] Of it ih- uUf»i«Kd in ea'ui euuuei* ] «naue ou«»i<3e pn >s\ac. Suoh » revisicu—in ; a progres?ive and l:hera? spirit, Uecp!ng In ri*w the ! poiUieAl ani «eoiAl tvHnuecmciit of th« oountry »sd oaretu' ! T !lu- p?onK'» r.ber!i<"v~ WouU be tbc .i ' ifn.\v-lou- w.l«ftiot©r*' »etsod ofC!tid' »!u k *u- eTt*r ali hle.w ūf ; wl>ich »t im. -v\i' a 1 m»i% n*tivv or, ftr«igiicr. ean ou"v.t vin w*Uhou;t lv\»r for oui l'ulure ' •aiety ftttd ludepeudenve; \ 4. Our c*U'JW»* e* M\p\v%rt a lib- r»l meuliH iLe pcescut īhw on IIk" propcriy »vih! iu- ; Cvuif ...» no'v r* of ele^r*t\vj itt order to MH'lu.le in votin£ j *worthy of u«iU»v*s KU.aU;i:iJ **cu»nk\*v wli-i .w iu.v.- »vij«ēt!y dctytrrcd. I! ( jil?o be we!l to ot«usuicr »h« ther » more iftOWa "«v>r\ tf e t« u ;u? - * 4 voulvl W oh- • telncd '\T dlv|di»»jj it iii'o tno >cp*r»te in ■ •leAvi »'V"v>. »: r. st *fc:ch is ( Ml «i<'ittA»y U ' t«» K- f->uu«i in any otl.cr ctm*Uu-. verucd eoui;l r\ . | 5. \VV :iim iv. tniu puMi? offices , ē^'i^.'^e'o" i* v i" 1 » * 3 U'ct 10n of tiie pe<>ph' tiud ¥tCOium«nd the to iu* tlivugtiuui voii>id«atiou of the tejd*iat ure, At »ny wte f «;c cxpect • tllAt tllv api-\n»..U.« lit«- '.O ii*l thc pllMk o!llCCi? v\ ill. * in thc fut ure. j{ive to t'u puMie t>etter s*t»£factiou „ thnn th« v h;v\ t vi«-nc hith< rto. asid we ftrv in Tavor oi tbe »dopti«»u v»t ,4 ;i:ditit»us civil and . [h u* oh l«w. t*' prouet the re«ity e ftl eleul *nd r*Hhful puWv -ei\aut* *nd #ec\uv thctn ■; ffoui ti»ut»v;il vk'.th t vf,y pv>iiticAt oh*tij;e; ; 8, We dvx td* dl> tftvor t»n u\o>; ru:id won.uin ia U»v »»f thc » s Ut»ti« T fuud>, «»Vvi oue of l| t > mo*t p v vH»f< > f thsi defritv v*n t\ jrivet\ bv tti 4 <n;opr*-ssioi, of-*l! uuueo<.*>ary oflke¥. Si>« thc pu-iw o( f»vor»i«m nui t»y the , n.d i 'ou c*-irc >. »t thc ( t?'s' ! h «rtiV»e ātul r.s«Mc put«tk ' K ' »„•- »-* , v!vl <»»■> -» 4 3 f ' v 1 / " ' " , • ? the vtrx ucth and w<al!h ot a imnou sre Imill on thc i\»rtitio!s <d" the iuto. uuOicr>»n? &m*u i»rm* n« ? ?Kr t!»Au .i 1 »»» aK vv ianee «>tatt>. <wr <*nd»dAU ■ »;t CKd.'r«e a'i tior> ior t t;c of īhe lion v ■ Btrad \v»nl >*o;wdcr thf *.»>> and meau* «•'. »«h t*«pmj; *;d de\-' , '.t'i »*'■*'> !*"«••» t." thc j":i r p» I >«s »\f tik*t *cī \ 'Oinuiiii: im ;ti;rvtion ccn»muy. i\ nuft tn- tUv du'v •«r ti:v Jovt muu» ' '«> vit*v« v ;j S\ci»3 »ttv "! t <"\" * • '.' X ' !vN 'V' <-t rt »evioi«*Uu .' j\v: i« A' vi v»i ia-».ita"..! tfc*Tr KUleinen' & Onr uiu vMu? : īion»l \ eMor>-e 4MK« fnrther "■»» *'> n..*t t'.«, .* n«?t evr — e<t M o*r l\ A>.- «. ,».l 1- : V.:wd .v.e - t» rc -i :: .t„~v"v: itu \«ha*u Hor\l-> *fco V i.V;t *. - Vij iilau; .UjJ i»ĪV.i <**<'\ 1®.,..... «.»*- **»: th-»«"-*•-*» Wp-tr?: l'. ue- li' ol!fu;',T iu«'. Sp6*ī j»-'īe i«. ; r "*īi T •-i* »!lw J p* t s«»i' ♦♦:• - *?,r•> f*»r prtK-*irii»c <»i *- y*< B.\*2, 'le-1 V «?'i. t'\ivpt «•'• tWe J-UK • »: AV..i * K r:v.e,i tc tl.» ir »*' frvM>u ** £.0 ;vU£\"' t- . yt&r.tA!ivr For
' i' *- * 4 *** 1 '"'t ' x 0 vOt\>'Uu* »" „ *'*'. •-, t;-. rn»"\~t{ wi!.! »'v»t vK!»v. !' :.urk.''U »i! tu*» • 'iN' * f '. w ' I tNi tb««« VH>lut» i A>—tU«l u«lihtr tbe gv>Tcfument ctor &ftj i>iu«Uv i alBoer* or gomnuieul ooUtr««:tort *hculd Ik *! I lowt4 to Q»e A.*l*tlc s*Vor <hi puhlie ws.rk?, IT, lh*t Uv> n«'« ot»m«r> » Awv>*«si lo vu£*£v in oi uvwliiuitiv»l 00-ui»»-1 Uom. the pneteul IkiUi** l*?lu£ £r*du*!*3 canovivd ! ©a tlit ;\i - ī tTsc t n«-% i i& l&« §pcvi*l interv*t* of the l*l»orliifc cl*W* 4 ' H»w*l!»q tij(J f>re%n» we ft»*or tUe followluu #ug- * r*'fuiv* Ā}-~uo llut*h<st m*tefU'» tli*t >ar. V n..»le j or procur«d ber< on rea*on*t>U ternii bc loaj ottcd forroTerum*ftH um. m» *« t.> proUvt U>cāl luJ .-nUs ] B>—lu wafld«r*tioti yf l\w Uv*vv §übaklic> |p»ldtothe Qaoc>n'* llo*pH*l f»ora fuutl», j ilie |iovuutu< , nt ahouU «>n ',!* tru*teca nsodl y*.*Z tVV. v »-■ m '"■ v .*kv .* U * ~»*.i I iil.-uiUUMU, UJtot«.avvt»»iuk' lo tut* 'k'iL» I tnd« of %11 B*tk>i2alUlc6; | O—:r.*t tbe prvwnt SuQtUy- kw ht UWiallj | modtfied, *o thit tbe |HK>ple he *llowed be*UhXul J D)—thiit i mcre cuuit*blc of pr,>i'erty | aod * just revis\on of thv t*i l*wē l>e ot>Umicd; j 10. K*sjptraiug the , iibcr*l j>oiicj dc«irvd b\ our i Asm>ci«ttoo« *bout Tor I oW)«ct th» dt;?eio of rcsciircē« aud | £iv»ii«£ g;«M»t«r f*v, t iltie« io tlUv ioi «i£Bi aad d<raiCsl * .* j oomcuerce > \ w« *ped*llj rvcouiuvcud th« follo*-hii; ] A>~tb« iaiTrifd ! *te ht»proVemcut!« of Houolulu i %© aōreuj wiscU 'f tb l*r£esi ton i w«ji* Ul ti>* twv • v;viU,u»vK v vi iUe { lh-TM «lo.»»oii of tb«. IK-d *rouTidOAhiu f wĪMk *W *ol v>a> ji".ve f a:;uu id Üb< ;eu, lIWL 4*m ki-.m?!? tle •< tl ,>f tlic *aū 1 «Iw *IL'U ." .--• ■': lunds; i C) —tfe« ftdoptiou of a ucncr and more >y?<tcinsktK t am4 *y*Ui,u« *Lid il»< vi e » .w v ro*d» i» tbc' j m»Ht 4WUlrt<i wherc tlu *«J-t*ics *r« lii- • «*§lct*ni4 **><■< whiHi: c»m Rt v tlic l*uds ai e f »•* lnatoe*>lMo !o ! DHb« irapwT«w«P.t of har*K>r *«d t*io>i?n£ I f*viuttee on ail the bl*nd&, »ud the coD*tractiou yi ' *!> ntccp.sary wharves *ud bridges: Xf. to o*rry out the above cbntempl*ted improvc uu-aU, or fot the rvfundiug uf tlie pre*eut naiional , dei>t, a ioan be nc< % ci.>»ry, we re. otnn' i ci:d * pruper uiiiij>*tk>n ot the Post>OOicc B*nk; ; 11. Due attcntlon must l-e giTcft tu the |feucr*l j «dm>*timi.—with lib«er*l *unjiōrt of pafc!k* «vl.ool?, • —to the Ui s!th of thc e.n:u!ry *t and to thc ; c.n;d , .!U'»;i? ef thf c!ty *»? 1« ' tīcw oi prcvcntirui thc rcccut exccMc» of govcru- • Micnt vv.**r ' <v * cautlio\if ?t"dy rn»t*t >c ; n*de of the fcatihility of loeal *nd ' tin»tly. we dein*nd a *trotig ntul a'iuilui»; ru- ' !i->B »'f th? *id $ bq« .rt* tbirart*.!il enlien of epiuin fmuj?tfrs, > )M»li«rni *ud ragiAt..s. ; brkf rl.^s,—formntfi!<? 3 :•> ' nartl?ar. ēpiri*. Mi with the most earnc>t dcsire ot tt»e >»f th« couutrv ai iur<i well !a* ?* h•""!.'>!!*£ ** 1? c*u:ecf *Up people *u<l ot thc 4 \to* k i wil' u.eel wlth tlnw appiuWumi I, ,f •»- , . vv,>*,. ».v ♦>.. * - vfj»y f|i( thfV !my>* tv cn codoī>evl by out eaudiiatcs, cjuues>tly eali { eu tb« vottr« \ē m*irrf?6% ;bcirad!»tsii>nailUt , Hoaoiuiu. t'»uu*ry C, l^'.-O.