Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 12, 23 January 1890 — THE POLITICIANS, [ARTICLE]


&om wgaefsh ras4» w&iwm&i*m m :.vāMmfpmmĒm**~ m£l 'heHm **)£&* mrmf gfie4 &mmmm& MoMiie wbM ft poors*itrt itsied9 Wik@nftt &amkßL. X knov tliagr hm me wi4 ta! . lām 'w o«i«g^itMpl ! M&aeaa improTedwaier oupply. Toaloio« l took «& eetiv* iwai In Olifaiaft ietfaiollett bmt whaai I l<mnd <mt that thfe $ovOTaieaat aaßkßtytogo «it2id OUmm, 1 nraOsMfi. 1|» Wftges. S4fll lalioeMlil» te!» aMed <mibe g(WHTOßaßttiol£»t. / E, S. Ouhhai is nothiag teft unsadd iox meto say, tb«frefor©, I t»y r I «hail aol uwmf nnythiag tbath&s bMnssdd. i Uia&k y<m foar tlw »omiaatio» and woold bemore grateful stm for 6lsctk>zi. I tbank yoa again £er ao4 h*r«ig mk|4ft«©d y<«» eonfids»oe ia a». B. J. I hav© ibe of 0» HalM ismdavayd»y exx»pt SālMliaad &tardBy. Z|f«liieit pdnoipally tooa ite HAttedng mmikm oi II Qsfl&lmā a bzgsadie*. Tbis isthe panae and oonlemplaie the Itauiton Jsngine/ Enppoae the flywbeel abonld tnm looae and knoek fche piston rod b&ek througb the tbrottldvaive wonld we abandon 3ie e&gine or terait over to &ny bat th@ for repair? So, my bfiarera, this constitatlon is not to be en« tmated to fanlt<>finders to psteh it np, bnt rather to tboae who k>ve it in apiie of ita fanlte.and wiH not paleh it at ali. The etaol&g ia fariqpent and so >8 yoar pat?enoe. I tbaiik yo« for the honor of the nominaiion whieh I dxd not «aai andif eleoted to atay at home wiH be folly aa ameli a«rvioe to the oonntry as if ooonpying a aeal in tfeae legi&latnre. 8. H. Kaaukai: Fellow yon have doneme agre«t honor in pntting me np to be i bowled over. As I look at yon, yon dont eee» io r&prr §ent mnoh. An old g»ienti M hla teoops to bAttle and fonnd his «omMi aō thkk he eondnded to water h)s army. Thos6 who diaak with a knile inatoad of a fork were pkeoed on ona side and he took tbe residne into kaMle an4* wat badiy whipped. I don*t think the«e ie maeh aense m thia atory or that it haamneh bearing oa the campalgn. Thls is a small assesaWy and I feel like the sanallßst man in it. IfeetUtaiii we win victoryit will heoua. Wehave a ooaatitiitio& and reoord whieh are hard to earry. lam *©• minded that the jig is np. Ton wili honor ms with vofees whioh wili ®ever eleot me. i fear mf own people wiU soon desplse me—aloha! Hov. W. O, Smith: Befois ooming here I tiiad to iittalte ft I was ~ abeady familiaar wfth onr own, but -waa nnaoqnainted with the other whioh was pnblislied a few weeke prior. My hcad is so ananged as ocJty to oontain one set of ideas, The short pla4form is baeed on deeda—and mortgag<M, bmuring a b%b zate of iatereet. The membeza ol the rafan& p»ty been devoted foom the fint to deeda. Thsy doa't oare a oent for empty promises but a dsedof knkana howew flsaaSf awakeaa toaotivity #very diop of their pitio<le lrfood. are ā greatmaiijy good things ia the lo»g plat£orm, but w© have ap|m>priated the gist of it fot oprs. Gentiemen, I wiS now make.yan deSe W " h * TO>CTmbl ® oh"»t»iat^Pic<ona4 Hoh. M. P. Komkboh: . Iteelhonorod hj yont nomination as noble, bnt I eonsiser the HUe a nusnomer. At leasfc it wili fit sonfB one eifee better. Whoever is nominated on thia tieket, | take ft, repreBents the wiahea af thoee who aeaa. inale l#a. lam not oat ont for"a apeeeh m&m aad viQ aever make mnohof apafifcUsian. I haTamy donbts abontdoing anieh intbenext l©gislatere. v J^| j9ebalawaiaoao|Ahni ke mahma ia ana ma • Holokahena ike ahiahi o kala hfl&7. B hiki akn ana ka Moho B. W. WiHkoki E heie nni ae! •• O ka nni o na kanaka I hoopaa i ko hUeon maa iaotßobtohobfeMi ma ka Apaaa 1, ikaia 17 ike Mi, peMii «•—«-■»—Srrl%i *> ***■» m UmU ** u m+hwk* A«M«k 1, Omnaaik ',-lihlm #, Oi i» k* kanaka H>v*U bi