Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 281, 11 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

fi Uie provisi.'imi g"venmient «hmilel <mliuue iu j»«.ver muoh iu*igw the ētatute« of the country wiil b> swellcd U> ?uch a d-gree th d r.c:ther j•!«i<r- - s n r lawyers wi’I 1 >h'-* t<> rer en«l>er n J r!e law w;th ii« aiu* i;dineuts ar.d aiucudfd anienduicnta. praotice in .Uie c«urts will b**come a |>erf-ct clt:i<>9 It i« remarkab!e t'> eeo h >>\ fond otberwi9ely ration- »! men sre <>f exercising authority, «nd j>layingat s i<liering. legisl.itinp and <>tiier occuj>.iti<>ns, where in olher e «untrie9 l«>ug training is con8 dert <i nee 9sary f«»r the seri>> 1 s «“leiHH uf th«>9e imp.«rtant tui>cton«. At everv meeting of the omneila a batch of new lawa is |>nured out uver tl«e country, nnd tha differer.t committee9 are as lumy «9 were the eommilUea in the 8C8siun of 18U2. lt looka «s if thi» pcrs«i£t!?ncy in txercising b«>th the ltg!slative. e*ecutive. and even ju dicinly functions <»f the governhienl on the j>art o{ the eouneili «ouneila has bec«mae a mania. 'l'h.9.* meu, who m««atlvhave in tho p:«9t b«-eo rejected at the h.illolby their feil<>w citizens whenever they offered them9elve3 ag : candidates fcr Leg alative honors, ieoni i<ow intent on using their Lrief authority and showing what lcgiilators the country —if not the wor!d—eome nigh l«>sing in them, if-lir.xvidence and Mr. Stavens had •o4 given them a show to make st>>ul five new laws every week. Wbc>; we contempl.ite the action3 of tlie Provisi«>nal GnTernmen f «ineo 1 19 birth the w.»rds of Bnnator C-cil Brown in yesterday’s Oouneil meeting strike us wilh gr it f<>rce. ‘Tiie Provisional GoTeracaent,” exclaimed this brilliar.t ’» leaman and Waialua p>lilieiaa, *'♦. iice« tue iilaceof tiie form6i Ik gisl ilure, of liie privv eounoil and «>f everything.” Flee to Il;ule3 ye G >1? the Provi9ion.il Guvern«nent lake-e your plaeea. Resign in Luuulity, ali r.iler3 an 1 potentates on earth, the Pr,>visional G >vernrncont is everything. St-p out Ooief !‘itriarch fr >m the Supreme 0 >art, ihe Provisioual G<>vernment ■uppianli everyb>dy, t ikt»s the «*>f everyb>dy, ts everyt hing. Prai.se l>e Uie Heavens whogive H.i w eii such a lofty b >dy <>f demi i g«xla («m linwheels) ttie name of r.Q. is gre;»l —may it si>on be iuud. Ti>e v*-revereua .vir.t au i<uuierly p«stor of the Waioee church at Lahaina writes a lelter lo the socihed Rev. J. O. Emer9on,in whioh ho eomplaine heeaiiēe Judge Dan»o!a dĪ9charged the tru3tees of the Waiuee cfiurch on a trumped up charge of assault »nd battery preferred «gunsl them by a Ux>l of Judpr 'van.ui]«Iio, and the ex rev«nui Mr. Pali aeeueea Judge Dmiela of haviog given iueh a decistoa brOH,« x h«i«» royaliit—in the miad of Mr. Paii. Such tMatim«nts are perfectiy in accord with Mr. Pali and his ilk. That any man ean kaot hooettly »cordmg to his eon▼ioiioni, never mīnd on whoM toe« elepe, m beyond th« earrowaūod •

I ed and b:git-?d ideas whioh are gen- « eraliy beiug stuffsd into the heads j of tiiese unf «rtunate c>untry parv.«r,s. a «1 d 'trict Judges, fr>m that hot beil «>f 'oig >try, servility, and corrupt teaching. whieh >s prcside<i over bv Dr. Hyde m pers<>n.and bv the Ohief Patnarch in thespirit. lf these infernai meādlers and muddlers w««u!d ieave the t>fficiaSs iti the c«)untry districts alone, the j>e «j>ie wouid g-t al«>ng nicely, and ihere woul<l be a great de.il lts© «ju «rrelii;>g. fewer iawsuit8,and less <i;ss.it sfaclion. Bit it :© a un- j f «rtunale habitor cust un wiiieh has j b.c >nie d uninai t »mong the stri;ill j«:<lg s lhat tluy mnst\veekly \vrite to Honoluln to the Great Prophet, a oi frorn him rec?ive iii8truction as to h«>w t > <l< eiile the cases bef««re ihem, and ho«v l> advise neighb>r A„ aiui admonish neighbor B., the re?ult of whieh as a nile is that Messrs. A. aiui B. get iulo h«>t water. and imraediately have a lawsuit started f<>r the further delect:ition aml considerati<>n of the district judge, and hisbeloved Chiet —ihe Great MoguI. I Many instances of such circumstances are constantly comiug to our noliee, aud we could fill eolumns with them, and should do so if we were not sure that it would be even more than a herculean task to alter or even abate the evil, and thai the meddling would rather be on the increase than on the derrease, esj>ecially in the districts from where we should quote exainples. The latest \ve have heard in that line comes from a lov>>ly little district ou Hawaii where a rather fossilized j<ulge boIds sway. It seems that in that district many cocoauut trees are growing, and they bear mueh fruit beautiful to l<x>k at. but reserved for the palate, or if sold,to the |>ockets of the owner. The eommon herd, though were temj>ted, and they weut to the judgo and asked hiin if it was i right that the o\vuer should eat his own nuts, while the treeg had heen planted by Ihe forefathers of the eommon herd. The Judge pondered deej>ly, and eame then to the conclusi«>n that the eommon herd ought to eat the nuts of their forefathers, and while the owuer was abseut from the lovely little district, the eonnnon herd clitnl)ed the tre«s and stripj«ed thera of all the fruit, aud as there were more nuts j than would be good f«r the diges- j tion of the eommoii herd, they sold | ihe nuta . i! it was g«>od f>r their pockets. Bul the owuer returned, and he saw the business in a very different light, aml he thre\v ihe eomnnm herd int«> j.iil on a charge of malieiouainjury. And the magistrate p«>nderevl 8<>me more and he hied himself to Honolulu, where the rumor has it that he iaw the Gr*»at Mogul, and was advise<l. admonished, and consoled, and he returned ascocky and crowing as the Slar editor on his dunghill, and ho t M tb a eommon herd Tear ik>i, i »u« fix tiic o*uer. : But the owner meant bu8iiiess, and he sent fora man learned in the law. and said to him, *‘pro»ecuie iheee mialed men and let us make an enmple of them ao in the future my nuts ean be left in peaee.” But the magistrate feared the man Iearned in the law and said that he would not cons«nt to any ihyet«r lawyer coming around and pro«ecuting in hia court, and follow the piau of tb« learned Attorney Generai ou the hiring of out»ide aitornevs, »nd he claimed th»t the eaee ehould be proeecated by hii friend the Deputy Sberiff, who w»s not learned in tbe i»w, but who would be nuU on the

owner and his nuts. But the owner 'sicked and said that he wouldn‘i have the c.»se tried bef.»re the magistrate. becau?e he was biassed and he \vaiitfd to eend U' another d'Strict and fetch another magi?trate. But the judge of the di?trict refus**d t> give to su c h t»rocedure, and to!d the owner that he wou!d sit ->n the c t?e (and on the owner) and that he had g»'t all tiie !> >iiits he wanted >>n nuts j f r .*m the Great Palriarch m Honoj lulu. And so the nmn will be ac1 quitted, and all owrers ot c coanut5 ! will have t > buy a cargoof bulldoi;«. and tie one to eaeh tr e. so th:it theci'tnmon henleannol clinib the tre.-s and j>ick theirf.*refathers ! nuts. And such is justice, as she is Dole-d out under our paterual j>rovisional g >verii!nent.