Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 36, 2 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
I ’ The follo«ing de«p sentence i« t’ie Ute3t fn>ui ihe pen of Slr. J.>hn«ng. the wilty end profonnd , writer fur tbe AdTecttier:
■ present movemeot for ihe aunexa- ! < ti>>n of these ie!andj» U» the United | StiUs is a moveroent based upon | |>rinciple. (Gre*t 8ftitt!!) Nut , j iht pnneiph ><f ihe irrespuusib:<, j hut tkspri»rīpie *»/ thepmplr trh* p» ty » tks tmt*. While we wer»* br odrng * »»ver ihe heaolifnl princip5e whieh underlies Mr. John»ing’s »enti- j ments ir<l whieh c*<nld a> appr> | priatelv he c»>ndeiised :ind e*j-ress- i ed by aaying, Dhd» the eopte, • I we bap(<M>ed t < glaoce at the Yort A<lrerfi.*er of the -»rd «f Ang. . Let i;s remea>ber that the New Y< rk A<lv-rt:»er is ll»eb:tterestc|>p»>oei>t i |to i»dependence and the , warme«t ehampion of the caose <>f j the annexationists «nd is in faot j gener.»lly supp->»ed to b<* pr?tty i |ivelily sabsidii dbv Mr. Th - »rst n | on beha!fof tbe annex*tioo party j and Ptari Harbor spec.nat >r? in I Hawaii. but this i» what that rep j resentative annex;«ticn organ . writes: *We have said all alot«g that if the pe»>ple of the Sindwich | Island» do not desire aunexation, ; we do not want tbem. e have | m3Īntained that, in view of the j large Amenean int*-rest atst»kē in the lslands it was oar duty to aid in every pos«;ble way, the movement t»ward free and independent government.' Mr. Johnsing wi!. p!ea»e take notice that the paper quoted speaks aho«t the people : I and not ab >ut the taxpay“rs, »nd he will, if his bntin is nonnal, this , ' &flernoon perhaps he ahle to realize that when an American paper speaks about a “free and independent government” it d»es not mean a raiserable military oligarchy »»f f<>reign filibusters, but > it means a governraent <>f the people, f»r the pe»j>le. and by the j>eoi ple!