Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 September 1893 — WH.T THE WISE MEN S.Y. [ARTICLE]


{ VJa;. fr»tu Jjrc s Kr.>īwli Lowel' | The monar»*bv wesn t so baul a/ter all; It n:iu-ied tt\ !>.i aaJ mxde th«r iaw fewred; it treated ita foes always fair withoat ga!l, To tbe poor »ad ihe people, was it ever tudeare.L Bat Walter G, .StelI R r, SaātQ. i;e Sci Unele Sant sban*t rest .re the SIou*rch*e. 3Iy; Ain’t it terribk; \Vm shall we du? We cau’t uevtr restore it ocourse, tiiat‘s t3.it; Gue»> Unele Sam '11 heMo eome rounJ (dun’t yon)! And g > in with miseiouaries. and gune, and all tbat; For \Valter 0. (Stellari Smitb. he Sez. we shan't vote for the Mouarehee. The rrovisii»Dal G., is of dr:ffle strait breed It’s grabbed all the power that give plaeea aud pelf; Bat consisteucy still, wnz a part of its creed, Ifs been tme to oue party—an’ thet is itself So Walter G, (Stellar) Smith, Le Ser—WeH always be ruled by the Provisional G. The Provisional G., it goes in for war, It don’t val]y priuciple more’n an ohl cnd; Wnt did God make us raytional creetnrs fer, Bnt glory an’gunpowder, plnnderau’blood? So Walter G, (Stellar) Smith, Le Sez, we'll alw.iys be ruled by the Provisional G. We were getting on nicely, ont here to cnr village, \Vith good olJ idees o’ wut’s right an’ wut ain't, We kiud o’ thought Christ went again war an’ pillage An’ thet eppylets wan’t the best mark of a saint; But Sereno E, Bisiiop, he S.-z —this kind o’ thing’s an’ exptoded idee. The side of our conntry must ollers be took, Au’ tbe Pmnaional O.. yon kuow, it is our conntxy. An’ the angel thet writes «11 onr sin in a book, Put the debit to it an’ to ns the per coutry, An’ Sereno E Bishop, he Sez, this is his view o’ the thirg to a T. Parson Davies, ue calls all these argi ments lies, Sez, they’re nothing ou airth but jest fee, fuu, fuff! An’ thet al! this big talk of onr destinies, Is half on it ign’ance an't fother lmlf bluff, Bnt Waller G. (Sf l]»r) S.nitb, he Sez, it aint no such thing; an’ of course, go must we. Parson Daviessez, h< neverheardin his1ife, Thet tb’ apo$tles rigged out with cartridge and gun. Aa’ marched ronnd behind a drum and fife, To get some on ’em office, an some on ’em—none. But Nal'hauiel B. £merson, he Ser, they did’t know anything down in Judee. Wal, it’s a marcy we tc gut folks to tel! ns The rights and the wrong9 of these matters I vow. God sends pious lawyers an’ other wise fellers, To start the worid’s team when it gits in a slough, Fer the P. G. Advisory C. Sez, the world 11 go right if U hollers out Gee’