Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — ANOTHER COMPRORISE. [ARTICLE]


THE MPPO* YCSE.V KaISHA AVD THE PACIEIC MAIL 3TEA1ISHIP • CO»PAVY. Ax arrangeaient was entered into helween the Nu.pon Yusen K iisha aud the P. M. Comp>jinv bvwhichthe vessels of the latter should not, for a certaiu {>rescr;b. d tiaie, eall at Kobe and Sbmg!)di. Owing. however. tothe roinpetitiun with the Canadian Steamship C»mpany, and also to the necess ty of providiug for the c»mf.>rt of passengers going to or returning from the World’sFtir. mueh inconveaieuce is fe!t by the Pac;fic Mail Company in observing the coi.ditions agreed n{xin. Our eon tempt»rary naw hears that a eompromise has been t ffecttd helween the two parties, by wbich the Japanese Company has e nseuled to the entry oi the Pacific'Mail Company’s ships inloKope to take passengers and on ouidition lhat after deducting the cost nf fo >d, the hilanee of the loeal fores will be paid nver the Nippon Yusen Kaieha. An arrangement f>rthe return ofa certain proportion of the rates on freight has a 1b<> beeu made: The new agreement refers to Kobe alone. Tlie Pacific Mail Company’s vessels wil! not eall at Shanghai for either paesen gersor cargn.