Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — Abolition of Racing Sweeps in Instralia. [ARTICLE]

Abolition of Racing Sweeps in Instralia.

The Soath Wales Governraent. S:<ys the Fiehl , h«s determined to pot a stop to s\veej>s <>n the Melbourne Cup »nd other great events of the Austrjlian t«rf. This mild forra of g*nib!ing waa abolishetl in the u-‘ighbouring colonv of Victoria some ten ye*rs ngo. but, in Now Sohth W :tles, though dedared illegol. it has been winked at by the authorities for sotne years p-ist. The leadins inst tution of tbe kind. ron by George Ad inas. of Sydoey, undor ih** t tle o( ‘*T lUeiaall’a ConsuItattons." has for «niny years enjoyed an immenae popularitv, not only soutli of the line, but in India China and America, —and t<> » leas degree in Japan among res deuts v»f the Treaty Ports. The enonnea extent of the bnsiuess raay be jndged frora the fact that lnst ye«r t‘430,(XK) in sovereigns «nd half-sovereigna passed through. ••T»tteraairs’ book, 10 |>er cent. of wlneh was deducted for w>>rkmg expenses and profit. of course.