Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

£nsurancr MAEIHE INSURANCE. *The Uxi)EH""i0XEl) is auth<'rm*<J to take Manne Risks -ONHulls, Cargoes, Fi"eierhts and Commissions, «it Current Tiates in the following eompaniea» viz: Ulianee As8umncē Fire Marine, - London WUhelma of Mad$ehur£ Gen’l. Ins. Co. $un Insurance Co., - ~ San Francisco .1. H. WALKEH, Agcut tor Hawaūan Lslaudb Tei.ephoker : Bell 351 Mnlual 417. Rescd»ck: Motnal 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. TH0MAS, Contractor Builder I-Cstiinfitc*s (. iven o» A.11 lvinds OF mn, m\ m. t \vo« All Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building Trade, Attcnded to. KKEFS FOR 8ALE; Brick, l.ime, Cemont, Irou Stone Pipe and Fittinga, OM >V Xevr Corrug*ted Iron. Minton Tiles, Qoarry Ti!es, assorte»l si7.e» and colors; C>lifornii\ and Monterey Sand. Granite Cnrl»5ng aml Blocks, etc.. etc. ( Corner King Smith Sts. OFFICE <fl YARD: Of!ice Hours, 8to la M., ( ito4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAll • • HOLOMUA,” A .Tournal iHsued l>aily, (8and«y exceptonD In tho Engli>h laugnage. aud pledgad in policv to anpport Iho »m> PRrviLPCEK of the Hawiiui Pkople, the inteivstj< of iLe UlK»ring men. and good *nd boDeet Govern»«nt for the *h U* eouutr>. JOH PH1NTER8 All Booes and Jor Pkintino noatly esecoted ak abort noiioe aod at moderxte hgnres. MLL HEADS. IXrrEU HEADS, ete.. Fin»shed in First-CU«e style. I«land Orders solicited aod prowptly aitended to. CARD6. POSTERS. 0m£|: Thomas B!ock. Kir.g Street, Honoiolo, H. 1.