Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Tax pnyers have now to pay for eight kegs of beer. Tbe P. G. baml at E:niua Square this evening. The steamer Mokolii leave« for Molokai at four o’eloek thie afternoon. Mr. David Center has resigned his poeilion as munager of Hana Plantation. The beer w.is drnnk by the army “after the show’ F on last Saturday evening. Did yon »ee the farceon Palaee Sqnarr* last Saturday afternoon? you iuissed it if you did'nt. All the cent e!amps wus so!d out at the fost Ot!ice lsst realizing something over #3,000. — The Nalional Band will give a concerl at the Hawaiian Wutel tomorrow evening cooiplimenlary to the (iillig party. Anotuer enjoyable tirae on b >ard <>f ihe I' S. F. S. Phiiadelphia, | was [>artic:|>at*-<l in by the guests whu were present. The concert last Saturday al ■ Waikiki was a raost pronounced succes.-. A arge uamb-r of peuple were preeent and enjoyed the excelient tnusic «nd the first chits attention uf inuuager Simpeon. A mm wa« standing on tbe corner of Nuoanu and King Streets looking with a h ilf satiafied, half sad expressk>n in his eye at the entrance to the Anchor Saloon. “What ails yon friendT’ asked a passer by beneToIentIy. Tbe man drew a sigb as foll as Canningham draws a scbooner and whispered ‘I wī»h I waa a gir*ffer’ asked for an «xplanation. he wipe«! a silent tear fr'm hts eye and wbi«pered ho«reely; “What bliss to bare a throat like a giraffe aod a gia*s of eold Fred«rik>burg Export Lager Beer slide slowly down. And then tbey smoie.