Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — THAT GUARD. [ARTICLE]


The eoooomioal Minister of Fmauce now propcNes to redace th« erpen.seM ia the MiliUin I>epartmeDt, by saddling the taxpayers writh an expen.se of I6.Ō35 araonth. for tbe support of aa asele«s an<l extravagant force amler anns. Sach a force is perfeotiy onDecessary and tbe Finanee Minister in»st a!so l»e aware of that fact. !t looks very maeh as if the trae reasun of the prop<>se«l expense is not for a “reqnired military force.” bat, th»t those mon wbo were ready to assisi—by huaneial proaiises —aud with the baeking of Ihe l . S. Forces, to pat the present mernbers of this goverument in control of atTairs. havo got to be paid. lt will not be policy to pay thera off aad tnrn them loo.se, becanse they naay join the Loyalists. So with his usual wisdom and tact, he proposes the military scheme as an eeonomieal ventare. In all probability it isoneof “oompulaion” not one of economv. After a strong opposition agaiust it. from tbose meiubers of the present Government, and tho«e of its support«rs who were members of tbe last Legislature, an appropriation of $50,000 was passed for the support — for two years—of the Queens Goaid. The ar”araeut use<l, was that sach an appendage was not necessary etc.. etc. Yet in face of all their donbie-faced assertions of that period, these same persons for their owu personal benefit are willing to see. aye, and give their sanction to au ontrageous expenditure of over $0.000 a month, for—that whieh raay be termed nuthing more than less — Bkibery. , Not evoo in the worst days of tbe Monarchy of whieh so mneh is said, no, and not even in the ante-Gibson dnys was such glar ing misuses of the ttxpayers money indalged in