Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — ARE YE THERE MIKEY? [ARTICLE]


Mtkey MeDonnelI Ihe Aranrik.su p«triot frora Con-»roarTa bas bruughl hiniseif an«l his legs &nd bis bag of bos*ks, *'for sale if yo plaze, to Honolnla , ‘wausl more. W’hen KaUkaua •».-»« a live King Mae on arriTal wouhl hie hira to lte palaee, and was ever loud in tbe praises of Ihe good Kine who had a syrapathetic moenl for Mae’s infirmity, and a taste for bis Uter;irT' wares. Now Mae dances in new ;\amt. and whoops tbe wboop of the tune-server who bas books to sell.anil wauts a eheap ad. Mae “has advocateil the cause of tbese islands” all over the Facific coast and in tbe east. an»l surely after tbat every meral>er of tbe aunevation club, including tbe ‘2.‘2*2*2 Portoguese will buy one of Mac’s books. Mae eoncludes “I bope liotl will lct me live until I see 01d GIory tly over these Islands.” whieh proves that Mae is verv tenaci«usof life, and wauts to go dowu tbro« gb history as the book-;>eddiar who discouuted Metbusalab in bc ary years and wnuklea. Be raode»t Mae aud pray to Ih> buried with yer frieuds an«l if elaue an dacent ye'li git waked afore yez kuow wbere ye ar. Oeh; McDonnel vu a «ojer bo!d He eaoie frooi Autietam. In Hon»*lalu book» bc »old Bnt for manv vean wr've n.L*w l him, Bnt no« his heok, with ■ han-nnd ;wck Orbook»aad P. O. ELinii*»» *'Aud if yr d<>n’t know how to rnn tb* sho« Sbnre I’m th«* hny to I*n> y (The Stir ean oollrct for tbi« Ad.t