Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 46, 10 November 1893 — A pair of New Lines on a Horse. [ARTICLE]

A pair of New Lines on a Horse.

■ Wfc-n tfc«? ow»bo,v lurb» oVr U» alkili phun, Witfc « sldn (nll ot rnm and remor«. YocH tīnJ him m..*»t 4iw»vv ta saa or ia nun, Onaiie of vhtt b«? t«?rms » korr$e. kii np iu New Eoglaai, «ntfc iMomon bha«, Tbe punUn fresco«d wt$h moas, Pnts oonl liver oil in fcis wu,md so now A.nd tew it fcitcfc«» • *o«. Bat hewin Kentucky. where n*ture ts kia l AuJ betting is sniddlinv; dose. Yon11 fiud the f*ir girls *nd el jngato-l men Admiring *nd loviug th« kc*t." f BiU Sef).