Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — SKITS [ARTICLE]
The most terrible suggestion contained in the Advertiser s “inteniews” this inorning npon the authenticity of the despatch aunouncingPresident Cleveland s • forthcoraing message to Congress in favor of restoration of our monarchy, is the veiled threat of tliat great and pious warrior. Holy Willie Hall, that “there'll be a r w here if that happens Now. Heaven avort such a ealaraity, or at least modifv it by gnaranteeing that Holv M illie O o * raay be found within range, in case the ro\v should unhappily eome to pass. In snch event he might be plied with such argaments as to induce his permanent retirement from the trade in ra\v aleohol to the sav::ges of the far Xorth. Speaking of Holy M illie rominds us that his Holiness has been nncoramonly sanguinary in his coraments npon the situation of late, if dame rumor speaketh trulv. It is even reported of tLat soldier of the Lord, (as represented in this part of the UKual vineyard by the immaeulate P. G. ) that he has declared in favor of a deluge of blood for the streets —prescribed a rain of go-ah for the highways, iu case there be an attempt to curtail his salary as Commisary-General, or some other title equally intelligible to his Holiness. Good! by all means, let us have sorae judiciouslyexecuted bloodletting, but in sueh event, may we hope that HoIy Willie will carry his theory far enough into practice to fur nish sorae of the rubyfluid? lf his Holiness like so many of his eosaints is ready to shed the last drop of his blood for “good goverument’ —and a salary—let him not be backward about shedding the jirsl drop of the same. lt s not heroic to shed the last drop of one’s 'vital fluid. It s shedding th e first drop that will test the courage of the holy ones. The pious guild are not unmindful of the value of whistling as an accopaniraent to a march through a grave-yard. They have of late (siuce gotting into the depths of their political cemetery) been most vociferouslv —even if somewhat discordently —whistling to scare away the “Eoyalist” ghosts. They have eveu removed the enormous steam-whistle froin the lron Works to Holy Willie’s electric shop and are pressing steam into their service to lay the Royalist sprite. But the latter entity will l>e found too sprite-ly forthe holy ones. Mai poina oukou i keia