Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 54, 20 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


MUD!! The laws must be cbanged now, to 3uit certain people. The bktne. Irmganl bronght news dates to the 5th of November. News was received by the Irragard, of the death of Mr. M. GoIdberg. If persons do not like to be arrest«d, they ehouhl not make libelous utterances. The extra guards on duty at the Government buildiugs do n>t like tl e coffee they get. Eeeauae a person cannot be alIowed to remain free to fay what he pleases about people, it is cal!ed co«rcion. The steamer? Mikahala, Iwalani, Claahine, W. G. Hall, an 1 Mokolii, are up to leavefor thei r respective ports to morrow. Ratber damp weather for ihe P. G. night prow!ers. Hope they like iL Good excuae for drinking whiskey, it will keep the co!d oct To be arreated three times in twenty-foor hours on as many charges for criminal libel, beats the record. Should there be a hula-hula ing on any where, ten ehaneea f> one the Star man woold be the tinst person to reach tbe plaee, and the last to leave. Congress adjourned on the 3rd instant. The Hawaiian question has not been submitted to iL Read tbe telegraphic dispatch in another eolumn.