Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 November 1893 — Corrupt and Rotten [ARTICLE]

Corrupt and Rotten

One da> Iastweek aPortuguese who owns a store on the sich* of Puuehhowl, was arrested for sell ing liquor or swipes, and was charged at the Poliee Station for “selling lit|uor without a license/' Tiie ruatter seems to be dropped, and the man has not vet been prosecuted. Ilepon has it that upon the suggestion of a Portuguese lawyer the Goverument did not prosecnte the prisoner, for the reason, that if thev clid, the Government woulel lose the snpj>urt of the Portuguesc. so under the circurastances it was thought better not to prosecnte. Eiplain Tiser