Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 November 1893 — MAY COME HERE. [ARTICLE]


The New Japanese Cruiser. The steam trials oi the Japanese cruis©r Y 'I ino. tvhich has been constructeil by tbe tirm of Sir W tl. Armstroug. Mitcheil. iV Co.. Limited, from des:gns by their naval arcbitect. Mr. Philip Watts, have beea held muler tbe superintendenee of a commission ' of Japanese officials, iuclnding Captain Kawara, Mr. Yamaki, Mr. Matsno, aud Lieotenant Kato. This vessel is g«*nerally siiuilar in de>ign to 9-<f> whieh w.is bnilt bv the same firm for the Argentine Eepublic. The Yn>:iino has. however. attained a greatei* speed. and is at the present time the fi>test crui>er • afloat. She is 350ft. long an i 4(!Mt. broad, and has a displacement of about # 4,000 tons. Her arraament consists of four 6-ineh quick-firing gnns, eiglit 4,7-ineh quick-firing guns, 22 3 pouml quick-firing guns, and flve torpedo tnl»es. Lonl Kavensworth, in his atidress at the London meeting of tlie institution of Xava Architects. drew attention to thi vessel, and stateJ that the fin contemplated attaiuiug a speed of 23 knots. This was fully realised in the trials, wheu th speed attained as the meaus t four runs ou the measured mile, with and against the tide, in aecordance with the practice of the British Navy, was 23.031 knots. The actnal speeds recorded were as folIows: — Kuots. First nin agaiust the tide *J2.642 Second nm with the tide 23.377 Third ruu against the lide 22,571 Fourth ruu iviththe tide 26.762 The programme also consisted of a senes of progressive trials to establisb a curve of speed for tbe ship, the inforraation tlms obtained being required for furtbor trials whieh have yet to be made. inclading a six hours’ trial with natural draugbt, wheu a speed of 21 knots is contemplated. Tho speeds at whieh trials wero made, and corresponding revolutions and horse-power observed, were 12.16A.201.22.1. and 23.03 knots, the latter beiug accepted as the official forced-draught trial of the ship. The power corresponding to the higber speed was approximately 15.000 horses. The machinery, whieh has been eonstrncted by Messrs. Humphrys, Tennant iV Co., worked tbroughont tbe day iu the raost satisfactory raanner, and without bitch of any kmd.