Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — SCANDALOUS. [ARTICLE]


On the evening of Xovember *20th. J E. Gomes was arrested aud charged with haviug opium iu his possession. The Tiser — the Goverument Orgau—iu its issue of the 30th says: “Gomes had made a contract with a e'hinamen to sell him thirty tins of the drug. The Ohiuamau had been furnished with mouey to buy it, and Iast night was the date set for eompleting Ihe transaction. Justas Gomes was about to pass over the opium the poliee , descendeil. and r.iked the whole party in.” The above appears to l>e ! rather straight evidenoe. Yet, ! yesterday, when the case was called in the District Court, the prosecution entereti a nolle pro- , sequi. Perhaps, this is another case of listeniug to a suggestion from that Portuguese lawyer, • who oueo before obtained the release of a Portugaese who whs arrest«*d for selliug liiiuor without a license, on tbe plea that if Le was prosecuted, the P. G-

might lose the support of the • Portuguesc residents. It might be well for the .iotbonties to in- I quire what *‘fee that w'.de ; awake lawyer receives for mak- J ing ‘‘pleas.’’ It looks veiy maeh , as if Justice and Kight, was to be set aside for Fraud and Robbery. ‘ lt is rotten.