Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
j ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1S63. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKEEY and ' IdE (3pM pjp$ F. HOKN', Puoprietob. PRACTICAL : Conli‘rtioiiei' 4 Oni!ieūter In 2II branches of the bustness on these islands. AMEIUOAN. FKENCH. ENGLISH AND OEKMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDEK. Weddii]5 \ BirtMin) Maele of the verv best material, unsurpassed iu nchness t»f nuaii ty and ornaraeutedin nnappi’oaeha*ble stvle. at lo\rer prices than any other estabhshraent in Honolulu. ; Family Cjr ! ahani \ FanciJ Bi>ead, Gnava Jelly. Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Svrup. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Mannfactnrod at ray Establishment are Guaranteed to be Positivelv PriiE aml snld at prices no other establishment ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 H<»tel Stbeet, Between Nnnanu aml F<»rt Streets BOTH TELEl’HONES N’o. 74. NftN-YU-SHOSHft. JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kind of CoI;ton Crape, Latest Sty!e of Shirts iu <lift'erent qualities. A$oi , t5raent of poi^eelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japauese Lanterns and mnny Carios suitible for Christra.is Goods. 411 KIN'l STREET, Honolulu. TeWphones, Bell 474. l’.O. Bo\ Mnlnal 514. nol3 Im C.T. AKANA MERCHANT TfiIL0R, 324 Nuuann Street A.11 Suits Guaranteed To Fit aml in the Late?»t Stvle. Clothes Cieaned and 'RepaireiL nol7 WING WO TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Nua-:nn Ssreet, COMMlSSION MEKCHANTS. I ;iiporters »nd D-nIeis in Gpy l :ir.nvHA xdis£. Fine Mnnila '’ipars. Chinese and Jap»n< se Cnx?k'rvware. M ittings. Vases of all kmus. Camphorwootl Tmnks. Ratt<n Chairs, a Fine A.«prtment « f Dress Siiks. Best Brands of aud Jupaneso Teas of Litest Importations. Insj»eclion of New Goods Respectfnllv Solicited. Mutnal Tel. 266, P. O. Box 158.