Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 74, 14 December 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
The arrival of tbe Corwin this morning with Hjitcial despatcbes for Minister Willis is the sensation of the hour. Tbe Provisiona! Government aud their army of bums and criminals at last feel themselves face to face with the neceiwitv of stejipiug down, and out, and allowinfr outraged jus tice, honor, and hcnesty to resnme tbeir j)laces onee more in tbese f.tir islands. The Star, with commendable desire toscare its p.itrons still more, at onee issued an e\ira giving President Ckvelaud's attitude as recorded in his mcssage to Congress towards these islands and the sitnation here. Nothing that the Star has printed since its evolution from the nebulosity existing in the crania of Messrs. McGrew and Emmeluth has caused such dismay &mong the ranks of the P. G., the Annexation Club, the Ameriean League, or whatever other uUok the rebels raasquerade under, as the news that President Clcveland is a man of honor in both theory and practice. All true D.emocrats raay rejoice that this c$mviucing proof of the honor, houesty, and dauntless oourage of Ameiiean statesmen and rulers, has fallen to be exhibited by tho leader of tute Democratic Party. All Repub licans will equally rejoice that the .st,v<i whieh smirches their luurels through the craving of J. L. Stevens for notoriety (even if infamous) before he died, is now removed by au Americau President. However we have not space or time to give the uews in detail. lf auy ono really desires to know the exact details received and is not in a position of diploraatic intercourse w ith Minister M’illis of sufficient noarnvss to the question to be informed by that genilemau what the news is we wouhl advise tbera to consult Albert Francis Judd, Chief Justice and Chancellor of the Provisioual Government of the Hawaiian lsland, fdon’t he wish he wasn’t), Reverend Sereno E. Bishop, £ditor of the Friend, who will tell-them whatever he isu't busy in composing for his next mouth’s issne, when you ean buy his brains at the usnal pnee of ten cents a copy (and dear at the price). If the.se do not satisfy you try Ten-inch Brighara, Holy M’ullie, the learned (in the law) Attorney General, or the -“pfominent physician,” or Stellar Sinith, or even tho dyed-in-the-wool controller of* the Moruing Clipi>er. Lots of ohoiee, bnt all are equalty bad—and to-day are ©qually sad.