Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 78, 19 December 1893 — HOW LIKE THE P. G. [ARTICLE]


Three distingnished - looking gentlemen arrived at Meeheln, Holland, recently, and put up at the leading hoiel, eutering themselves upon the visitors’ book as Amorican Comraissioners to the Antwerp Exposition. On tho evening of the third day, just hefore dinner, a raan arrived, and, presenting himself to tho landlord as a Parisinu detective, showed three photographs, whieh the landlord recognized as those of his Amenoan Comraissioners. The detective said they were dangerous criminals, who had long being wanted by the poliee. All dined together at the table d'hote, and after dessert fhe detective arose and announced to the astounded company that he was obliged to arrest the three Amenean gentlemen as bank robbers. The three attempted to eaeape, bnt with the assistance of the landlord aud servants they wero secured. Tho detective placed his prisoners in a cab, but before dnving away he asked the landlord: “Have these rogues settled their bills?” “They have not.” “How mueh is it?” “It is 395 francs.” *’Very well.” said the dctective, *‘we shall search the scoundrels at the {v»lice station ard settle your hill from the proceeds. Now, driver, hurry up to the poliee station.” The landlord is still waiting. Neither the detective nor the three American commissioners appeared at the poliee station. —(*S. F Chroniclr.)