Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 85, 28 December 1893 — That Protest!!! [ARTICLE]
That Protest!!!
I ~ . Tbe Book says “a pivphet is j not witbont bonor s;»Te in Lis ! own country.” Eitber the Book is wrong or Tburston is not h ■ propbet, or perhaps tbis is not bis country. Just heaiken to tbīs, the Advertiser t>rints the * text of the protest tbis imiuatore. saturnine conspirator left witb I tbe President of tbe Uuited i States ou learning tbe policv of ; tbe Iatter as expressed in his 1 message to tbe regnlar session of ' Congress;and the heading placed by the Dentsch trained schiitckling who edits the morning doormat over this etfusion of “vinegar-visaged ’ Tharston’s embnouic etfort at exponnding Iuteruatioual law is “It aunihilates Grover Cleveland.’’ We naturally presume that the Advertiser prints the trnth, being in the plaee where it is demanded of conscience (as well as the public) to apeak the truth. So we publish mournfully the fact of the sudden political 'demise of Grover CIevelaud, twice President of the United States, and beloved leader of the Democratic Party, at the pen of an obscute, saturnine, president of the Voleano House whisky trust; and man.iger of the Chicago dime show, pettifoggmg attorney from the Hawaiian Islands who has found “his occupation gone,” and more salary in prospect from rbe overburdened tax-pavers of Hawali aei. ' O’ A(fvertīser! Why m such an event of great triumph or sorrow, didn’t you eome out in mourniug with reversed eolumnrules or in joy witb gilt bordering. Think of it! Thnrston, tbe on!y Thurston, (thank God for that) has annihi!ated Grover Cleveland, and v’ou have relegatO ed your aeeouui of it to the seventh page, and prefixed to it three caricatnres of gentleraen beside whom Thurston sinks into his native insignificance. Now for the docuraeut this “shyster” (we thauk theefor that wonl “Advertiser”) has prodncfed. To cover up his ignorance of iuternatiouuI as well as evevv other kind of law, he garnishes his jargon with legal phra?es snchas“in and concerning the premises generally in the wrong plaee, aud by a reraarkable substitution of uomenclature, he throughout his etfusion begs the question by speaking of the Provisional Government of Hawaii set up by U. S. Minister J. L. Stevens’ authority as the origrnal and onl\ independent government 'of the country. Having thus started out on an absolutely false and unteuable p»mise, he proceods, like the proprietor of Aunt Sally at the fair. to set up obstacles only for the purpose of knocking tbem down. Says this ignoraut (even of poliee conrt, let alone international law) practitoner in dime minstrel-shows, “It is an asiom of law that no man may take advantage of his own wrong. The fact that the United States Minister, with,or withont, the authority of his Government. may have trespass ; ed upon the Iuternatioual rights of Hawaii does ndt thereby eonfer jurisdiction npon the Government of tbe United States to eow again. and deliberatelv trespass on soch rights.” special pleading with a vengeance. Tbe Uoited Statea throngh its Government, haa not proposed to
‘ take advantage of its own wrong ! even though urged tberelo bv 1 Th!ir?ton and hie co-conspiratorfl. i It isafl simply propoeed u> nndo ila j ow-i wrong and that i? a maxim 1 (not axiom, unlearced in the law Th.irston) of !aw tbat when*ver p-'?>ib'e the wrong-d»er shall undo his wrong. and in addition ma<e such reparation therefor as ahail be in his power. It ia not a qu*-stion of ji:risdiction. Tne ! Queen'a government still exists. I taough de Jacto iu abeyance, till Ihe j ( United States has undoae the | wrong committed by its agents. : No jurisdiction is vested m the United States over auy but its own siibjects. but in honor bound as fcy international law required, it must as far as possible restore the s(utu* qvo of those wronged Ly tbe inter- j ference of its recognized agents f r whoee acts by another maiim (n-«t ax;om) of eleraentarv law, it ia responsible. The question as to what j form of government the Hawaiian naiion chooses to carry on its natioaal functions is at the dispos;u of the Hawaiian people alone, ex cept they are conquered iu war, and it is the duty of the Uuited States to simply restore them to tbat coutrol of the offices, arras, and munitions of war whieh were surrendered under pressure of tbe United States forces. Tbeu the Hawaiian nation will settle the resl; of the question as to form of government by theraselves. As for the invesligation ordere l and carried out by President Cleveland, it was not au investigation into Huwaiian affairs, but iuto the conduct and actions of U. S. officials, and as snch was conducted by him in the raanner and form customarv to all govlrnment inveatigation of its own national ofliciaIs’ conduct and action. And for that conduct, and for the investigation into it, U. S. officials are only responsible to their own people aml govornment, and not to L. A. Tburston or his gang of “now \ve’re Americans, and now we’re Hawaiians.” Thurston, onee more you have put your paw out a great deal further than you ean draw it in. Yonr protests are, as before, in classic language, ‘no i uka.”