Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
- More tronb!e amongst the •lapaneee labor at Ewa. Wonder if the rebels think tbat the Holomua is a newspaper now? The Australia arrived from Stn Francisco at 9:15 o’eloek this morniug. The schooner Norma. Capt.tin T\alker, will, very probably, sail for Fanning’s Island on next Monday. Mr. F. L. G. Harden desires to state that he is not in any way connected with the special or secret poliee. The usual concert will be given at Emma Square this afternoon by the P. G. band. Nothing new on the programme. The Holomua “extra,” small, and as a hurriedly comp!ied as it was, had later news than the pages of boiler-plate, published this morning. It is reported that the flag of tbe proposed new Hawaiian republic, whieh is yet in embryo is an “anchor fouled,” upou a blue ground. The loeal inAuenee of the Holomua was sufficiently shown by the eager eall for the late “extra” last evening. Every copy printed was sold. Japanese men - of - wars - men, from the cruiser Naniwa have been enjoying the sights aud scenes about town for the last few days. They are very orderly. The prognostication of Professor Lyous of the meteorological station relative to expected prevalence of sontherly winds, is approaching verification Etforts an being made to tender to the Misses Albu, a token of the esteem and appreciatiou in wjnch the lady-singers are held by the general puhlie and it will most probably take shapo in a benefit concert; provided the vocaiists find time and, opportunity at their disposal. The Oahu R. R. Co., is a benefit to the country, and, as such, although the corpor«tion dces not advertise in the Holomua, a free notice is given that excursion trains will run over the road on New Year’s day to Pearl City and to £wa; popular prices. 6e sure there is an R in the month and, if so. tben ovsters are deiicions and especially palatable when taken internally in the form of an oyster-cocktail. Mixiologist Cnnningham of the Anchor warrants ihem to “cheer and not inebriate.” Try them. An organization intendetl to ofiset the acts of the seeret organization known as the Ameriean Leagne. was completed last night with the following cfficers' Preaideni, Cbas. Klemme; vicepresident, George Markham; treasarer. J. L. Xavier; secretary, F. Bosholz.