Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — A Chance for viterans. [ARTICLE]
A Chance for viterans.
A PmoeŪK.o paper 9tsles th»t aevera! guano hunters, whe h*ve b*en cruismg oot of San ' Eeanei»»». recentiy took poeaeaaion | of Clipperton (or Lsgoon) Ī3land, whieh lies io *bout l*titude 10 \ north, mnd k»ngitode 10.90 we«t. lt ie a amall i#land whieh waa originally di90overed by Captain CHpperton in 1705. It is tbought that the French one cUiroed it. hul it h*s long heen abandoned. Iu present cl*imanta raiseii *u ■ Americaa fl*g over it and lefl two 1 men there wilh provisioos enough j to I«st unlil the vessel could return. f Thev say th«t the isHnd cont*ins i valnab!e deposits of gu*no, as the * location is clo«* to u bankrupl | eoek», former prnperty, it be well j to det*il smrae of the **gr:ind array tbither to five ou ihe Amenean flag and captnred the guano.