Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
T ir. Hoi.o*rji t2ul not mention Mr. .1 J. E«p.tn m cunnecti<*n *%ith tht> itoj)t;J for d ipjK)le. Bnt «e wr»n’J now like to knou aiorc abontall the tr.tn»f«-rs: were thev ]t»id for in coin ? The i nrely “Americin” cliarart« r - f the bovcotting Le:t«ne is ahown by tl e vvani>noun in tent t'»circnlate offici il ftilseho« <Is an<l boaa tl»e couuci!s. Thf. misfoitnne if snch it b«-. of being hanl of he.tring. leat1s to the necessity of pnhlie eleel nnalion of what otherwise would be private eonversati«m, Professor H. while latelv returuii»n to his qnaiters i et E<litor W. uml. in the course of a conversation sairl. “If the Provisiouul Goverernent liatl uuy s nul they ouu)it to give M i!lis 24 hours to get otit of the country. The P. G <lon’t seeui to hiek sau<l but, they have more seuse than Professor B. No ONE who was gifte<l with orilinurv seuse woulel fail to <lls«over the covert iusult couveyed in a loeal article iu the Adcerti*er this moruiug aml whieh apjilied to the young latlies, of two ]>romineut faoailie8 of this city. Ihe iu3ult was iuost <lirect as intima te<l by tbe uaming of the parties aml plueinp them in juxta-posi-t;on, with people who the la<lies from their social position eoukl not thns have been associated with. lt was a petty spite, most coutemptible in its nature an<l as usual, womeu were attacked. Au a uple apology should he forced f,om the “family eompaei” o litor. Mb. Eimnelulh is coming to the front in his proper pos:tion us a r< preseutalive working-man and in soch a tn tnuer as to leave no doubt of his iutended houesty of purpose. No mau who is the employor of labor as Mr. Emnieiulh is, eau favor auything whieh a}»i«roachfs dictation from “walking delegate’’ liko Mr. ■ Mulligau (uow so-christened by the Holomi a) aud whieh order has but one object and iutent viz; u course of boycotting of those who do n<»t ngree with the peculiar unknowii, nuhonored, aml unsnng eleineut ofwbiob Mr. Mulligan claims to be ehainn m, or presi<liug othcor. The trades men of the town cannot bnt approvo of Mr. Emmelulli’a stand in tho Oouneil yester<lay und j they shouid seo that their approval finds veut in the columus ; of tkc newapapei j»ress nnd stand shoulder to shoulder in the aecord to stronglv hohl dowu tbe mouster boycott, a uaiue whieh h is never yet found npprovnl iu this oommuiiity. The Holomla is not hit, but the tra<lesmcii of the towu ure verv apt to be, aud by a niob th it has soaroely a dollar amongst them «nd the greater uumber of whieh arc <lroues. Now the proj*er hour is approaohing when it behooves the rank aud file of that gIorious an<l stroug organizatiou “the Mechanies l uiou ’ t-> »gain step to the frout aml carry the bauuer <»f houest politics. as represeuted by the boue aud sinew of the hoo*s ; . workiugmeu and mi<ld!e chti!ses of the coimnuuitv. To them l*eloitgs the honor of the forw.<rd advauoe of Hawaii iu the r*nks of oiviIiuiiOO. to their braiu.mnscle aud energv' is due Ihe development of this eapilal city to day,aud the time seems uow ripe for dae prrparatiou to be aiade to take proj*er advantage of the opport uui|y to give expixtssiou lo lheir wdl and power Uirough the poe plo a «uediuu». the ballot-box.