Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 January 1894 — Irrigation Information. [ARTICLE]
Irrigation Information.
Furtuiug laud iu the United States iu section8 h.iviug au aver uge raiufall are worth from $20 to $t>0 au acre. Arid, or so-ca!led j“dosert,” lands, «ritbout irrigaliou, are de«r at ‘25 cents au acre. W ith irrig.itiou. unimproved desert lauds in Southeru Califoruia are worth from $50 to $400 au acre. \\ ater ean be placed ' | on desert landa at a cost of frora $10 to $75 au acre. lf 25 cent i »10 water eau be udded | togelher aud be uiade to foot op a loUl of $50 au «cre value, »-hat »s irrigatiou worth to tbe arid Statca?