Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 February 1894 Edition 02 — WE ARE IN IT. [ARTICLE]


Th-y h.ave got it In the Neek.

The statement teleprapbed to tbe Exami\EB seTer«l days ;tgo )i»t tlie President l»sd sent ne» n>tructioi h t<< llis to deinaiid tli.it President Dole eS|>ange Ljr i ow famons letter froin the records v.ill sbortly be sul)«t.iu ti <t-*•! a nd it will »l«o l>e found th t <f tli« Provisicnal Govern ment’s President declines to cousetit to tliis rf*q»iest or demand ti> «t Willis will sevcr di|>! inaiie n.d-tions snd reiurn t ■ the l : nited St »t« s. Jnst wb«t ev- i.t wiil fo|low in case tbis ».cti n is t.*ken is a quc*stion tbat will u»;c< sM rily iiave to go un Aiiswered at tliis tirne.

The r.c«g received by tbe ('iuu i tbi« iDi>ruing .tre very en- ( c<>nrxg !.g to t!i<- i yal eiti/ens of ' II kwaii. Tl k r<-nrenotl nbtstbat t'i<* Democr.tt c p.<rty will stiiiul j un l vid< 1 muI 8<:.-.tain tiie Presi dent in nll niea8ares. The Ha- j w.iian qn.stiun \voul<l be settled j in C'Jūgn s.s !usl Friday when 1 tli<- n<solotion of Mr McCreary tho «*li linnan of the coiuinitteo < f foreign afTairs would be ado|>ted ! by a larg.> in ijority. McCreary 8 resolution sust .ii s and approves ; of Cleveland’s policy. In the Senate ihe Committee of foreign j stfair8 were sti!l invest gating, ; aiid eximining wituessjs A prelimunary report ha<l hoen sout to the Scnate in whieh tlie inain point was tli.it other powers «lioulil koep tlieir bands otf Hawaii until tlie Lnited States had decided what to do. It is expected though 11 1 at tlie Huwaiian question will bo fimilly settled witbin this week. The Senate will also lollow Mr. Cleveland in spite of the noiae imule by Uie Kepuhlicans. There is groat indignation agiinst President Doleovertbe insolcnt lett<;r whieli he bas seen fit t > wr.t • t;i Minist r Willis and it w is stated on good autbority tkat tho ministor to day hns r cfiu*d instriU'tioas to domand from Mr. Dole a witbdra.\v»i a r< fu>.il it is stated thut the miuister is ordered to demaud b;s passj>orts, «ud brcak oti furtber connecti<>ns on the j>art c>f ilie t nited Statos witii tbe provisional government. The 8imb to tbe Hawaiian L- g<tiou at Washingt >n i»eutione<l in a fonuer issue is cousi<lered verv significant aul bas m.-uie Thurst<m nud little Hastiugs feel very weak. Mr. Tburstou is evideutly feeliug uncomfortable, aud is begiuniug to contn»dict aud to deny the truth of reporte<l iuterview8. The Midwinter Fair bettar known as tbe Mudwinter Fair turns out to bo a fi/./le owiag to laek of interest and jH>or mauagmnent. Sevoro oomments nre cansed bv tlie e\bibition of several Hawaiiau objects broogbt by Mr. Tburstou aiul e\bibite<i as belonging to ■ the Queen. lf the anicles are i gonnine it w <uld bo of intorost to know how they eame into the ji.issession of Mr. Thurstoa or his agents. The Corbett aud V itchel tight has been a promineut topic of the day. It was as brutal and savago «s any prize fightyet *xbibitodbcforetbe | ‘*Wostern civili/.ition. ’’ There • are u<»t auv news of grcat imo<>rtauoe from other foroign l couutnes. The (' S/u<ii.s Zritu n;j of the of January writes i aboot the news (?) whieh tha | Assovu.it.-d Press J3are.iu iece*ves from H.iwaii. that tbe “sj>ecial corresj»ondent to the Assooiute<l j Press is rary Iong windtHl, very ! dull and e\tremely tiresome. ■ Tho correspondonce does not ! eoniaiu one single item of geneml interest, but is simply maae op from reports of iutcr- i views between the corrosj>ondent »ud inditlerent persous.’’ Whois the Associatod Press Cor. now? I ( Ministeb Tui*bstos relies on < the jo8tioe aud toierance of the , Uuiit*d States Government to \ | eoemna htm a courteous reception <

iu W!i«hington. In v.ew cf Thumton s hK»se toogrse<I meihoel of rvpresenting liaw.iii tbe pro- ; portion of toIemnce to jnstice necess.-*ry to sive him from being k >cked out u.ust be about ten to 1 one.