Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 February 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[NYe tlo not hold onrsolves responsible for I the oj>inions or the utteranees of our ! correspondents.] It Is Not Tmth. Er)ixop. Holomua: Under tbe headiug of ls it Truth! in yoni issue of .lanuary 29tb u't. I fiiul tbe following, purporting to bo part of tbe correspondenco of A. Johnstone Associate Press correspondent. Houolulu, Jan. 12. Fred Hayselden, a prominent i royalist. aud sou in-law of alter M. Gibson, arrived in town a few ! days ago. He left agaiu today for tbe island of Lauai, whicb be owns. Wliile here he said: “Tbe Queen will bo restored. Of tbis we bave positive assurances aud her Majesty fully believes in ber speedy restoratiou. I saw ber yesterday, aud sbe assured me it was only a mattor of a few weeks. Could wo see tbe way I ont whereby tbe control of political patronage could be secured tbrougb a republic, we shouid not besitate to back it if we were assured tbat tbe raissionaries would not be allowed to control ati’airs upon its establisbraeut. The only truth in the above is that I said, “Tbe Queen will be restorcd” further tban that tbere is absolutely none. I ara aud always have beeu a royalist, I bave never been in favor of a Republic for tbese islands, and am not now. In setting np your type Mr. Editor the printer has either oraitted sorae qnation raarks or the writer has attribut ed to me tbe veiy views expressed bv hiraself. for he told me that {tbe radical plau. was to keep up tbe annexation cry until they • could contiol the Advisory Couueil, then, if nnnexation eonKi not ! be put througb, they, tbe nulicals, would oontrol tbe Repnblic, tb *t tbe Conserv.«tive an«l str;ctly ; missionary element in the revolutionary party wonld like a Re1 | % ! puhlie now, but did not see their way clear to ruanage it just yet. ' These mav not have been Mr. i I Johnstone’s own persoual views, i but he assured tue they were the views and aims of a very strong | and young Aao/eelement opposed j to the old missionary dominance , of the Htfairs of tbis Kiugdom. \ | Yonrs troly. Fbkd. H. Hayseldes. )' Lakaina, Feb 3rd. 1SU4.