Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE Proreiooal Goveinraent OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATIOX OF BDKE VUS. i ExECmVE Cocxcil. S. B. IMe. JV*si teit nf tv> Pmrf«Iou»’ GoTe-n-ment >f th * KvJ , »iun *n l Stini»ter of Fnreiea ‘.(T*ir»J. A. Kiue, Mi’ii»t.>r -f the Intcrinr. S. M. D*raon. '*ini«terof Fin»uee. W. O. Sraith, Att>Tney-Gener«i. Advisory CorsciL. W. C. wil<fer. Viee-Prest lent of the Pr»vUlon»l Govemraent of ihe Uawaiien I»!aini». C. Bo’te, Juhn Eromeluth. Ceeil Ur»nn. F. D. Tennev. John Nott, W. F. Allen. John Ena. Henry \V»terhou»e, J»mes F. Moriran A. Yonnir. Fd. S hr. F. M. H«tch. J >». P. Memiono*. Chas. T. Rodaers, Seeretftrv Ev. «n<i Adv. Councils. Stpreme Cocet. Hon. A. F. Jndd. Chief Iustiee. H»n. K. K. Biekert»n, Fir»t '«»oet»te Jn«tlee. Hon. W. F. Kre r. Soeond A".» mte Ju»tiee. Henrv Sraith, Chief Clerk. Geo. ī.ue s. Denuty Clerk. C. F. Peters»n,See'nd Depulv Clerk. J. Walter Jones. Stenographer. ClKCCIT JrDGES. First Ctrcuit: £ £ h .£j?»’( 0«hn Seeond cireuit ('Imi'I A. V. Kepoileai. Th r<Iand FourthClrc»ita: (Hnvaii)S. ŪAuatln FTfth Clrcuit: (Kauai) J. H«rdy. Otfiees and C»urt-room tn C»nrt Honae, Kinp stre->t. Sittimt in H ino’.uln—The first Mo>iday ln Febru>.ry, May. Au«: st and Nc vcmber. DEriBTjtExr or Fobeigs Aff*ibs. Offiee in Capitol Bui1di ir. K!ug street. Hfs Eieellenev S«uford B. Do.e. Miuislerof Foreiitn Aar..ir». Ooo. C. Potter. Seeret ry. W. Hor.ce Wrlght, Liouel H«rt, CIerks. Depabtmentof InteriorOiliee in Executive Buiiding, King street. His Exeellency J. A. Kin(r. M : nlster of Interior. Chief C!er<. Joh i A. H-:ss n(ter. Asslstx.it Cler<s; J >nie» H. Boyd. M. K. Kt-oho-w«Iote 'ienhen Maiiaulu, Geori;e C. K.»». Ed’.vi>rdS. B..yd. Bl’BBAC OP AGRtCVLTCSB AND F»RE!»TBY. President: Hi» Evee!Ienev t>-e Minf»ter of lnteri> r. Wn. <; Iradii, AHaii llerlvrt. Jotm En i. J >seph 51 <rsden, Co!n nl»iont r aud Secretary. Chiefs of BrREAC.«. Interior Dbpabtment. Survey >r Generil. 5V. D. A’ei>nd.'r. ' ipt. Pnhl e W»rks, W. E. R» • eli Snpt. Water W rks. Andre'.r Upiwn. In5peet»r. E '“lric Linhts. John C-*sidy. R>-Klstrar > f C iiveyance.s, T. G. Thrn;n. Ro«d Siif«rris»r. H nolu;u. W H CummlnKS. Ch‘ef Ensrini' r Fir>e Dept.. Jas. H. Hnnt. Supt. luaaue Asylum, Dr. A. Mc-Wayae. Depabteent of Kinanoe. Otfice, Exeeutive Building. King street, iinl»ter of Finance, His Excell«acy S. M. D»mon. Andit r-Gener«i, Ge»rge J. K»s«, Ke*istr rof Aeceunts. W. G. A«hley. C!erkof Klnanee OAiee, E. A. Mclnemy. Col ector-G.-neral of Cnrtom, J -.s. B C«stle. T«x A->-««■ ir, 0<bu, J m«. S » w Depnty Thx Asses5 r. W. C. Weoion. PjstiijL'U>r-Gener. I, J. Mort flLt, Ccftoms bcreac. OIRce, Custom Kou«e. EspUuad-. Fort strcet. Co»ieeU>r-Gener»I. J «. B, C-fs‘!e. IVpnty-Co’ eel >r F. B. McSt oker. H rbor na5ler. C«pt dn A. Ful!er. Port S-rveyor. M. N 3-nd*rs St retecp< V. iJvomc C. s:raiemeyer. Depabtvent op Attubnet Gener*i_ Office In Exeeutire Buibllnr. Clag «treet. Att> mey <«nera!. W. O. 3raita. Deputy Attomey.iJenerxi, i. K. Wll<ler. 1 C!crk, J. M. Ke«. M*rsh«i. E. G. Hilehenek. Cl rk to M nhaL M. M Do». Deputy Mar»hxl, Arti.nr M. Brown. J«ilor o-hn Prfaon, J. A. loa. Frlson Physici«ii, Dt. C. B. Cv»jper. Boa«D OF IXXIuIAT!OX. Prv*id-'nt, H(« J. A. Kicg. Member of the Ko-pl of l<iiiaitnli m: <i«B, J. B. A;bert»n. JWL B. C«»lle. H >n. A. S. Cl»«h m. J«me» U. Spencer, M«rk P. H >bia» n. ■ SeereUry, Wmy Tay!or. Boarp o» HiAtrx. Of!Uein ;T0»ind»»f Court H»o«e Buīldlag. ccraer of Miliiani «ad(Juevn street«. « Memhen: Dr. D«t, Dt. Mia-r. Dr. Aodrew«. J. T. w«terh»ttse Jr , Johr> f.nr. Theo. F. L»u»:ug «nd Anontey-Generai Ssūto. Prexl<!ent—>(oa. W. <i 3rallh Seerrt»ry—Cha». W leox. ExecoDre ti«eer—C, B. ReynoM». In»peeU>r « - J M«na$rr ct Garb«ge 5enrice—L. L Lm Mene. In*peet- r—U. W. C. Jooes. P -rt Phy«irt« , Df.G. B. Aadrewa. Dbp ns*rv. Dr H. W. UowanL Lepcr Setllerae-li, Dr. E. K. Oiirer. Boajo> of Ed»catton. Conrt Uoaae 3aii>Jiug, King «treet. PwWni!. H«t C. R. Bi«h.>p. āe«vury, W. J«mes Saiith. • Inepen'L ro i āeekool», A. T. Alkinaoo. S DtFt*!CT Cocn. Palwe HbtiM Bui!diog, M«reh*nt ctrect A, O, M Robert»oa, Mxei»trate J«ah» X. nwwiMoa. Clet»