Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Another Fake. [ARTICLE]
Another Fake.
The personal snpporters of the Star editor. whoin he uses to run h:s woald-be polilieal maehine, have latelv beea st rving. bec »nse their services as spies and thugs in geueral has been dispensed w;th, for the reason that the rovalists won t maken revolution, nay, nct eveu a conspiraey. To regain the lost grouud, the Stnr contained a most fancīful varn that. a large nnrnber of C<nadian partieipators in the Biel rebellion had arrived, imported here by royalists who were paviug for their grnb! The fiuancially eondition of ihe Royalists is nearly as bad as that of the Star stockholders and we shonid be pleased if the Star wonld furuisb us wilh the naraes and addresses of some of the Roya!istswho are ‘ 4 puttiug ap. And the Marshal believes the yarn, swallows the bait and empties the pepple’s treasnry on more spies and more specials.