Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
_A.rl vert i men t;s J. KEMPNER, pashionabl2 Tailor OEMIEMEN'? SUITS acd CL0THING £V ilADE TU ORDER l G<*ni Voricty o f Fine Cloih Clrnnlog and Rejiairing XmVy D"ne. Terms Give nie a TniL 107 KIN3 STREET. Oppcsite ’ A [l' n ' Honoiula fel 3Lt. H. DEE' t >3BEB OF Wines. Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. betweeu Furt and J3ethel j>treeti. r Ioliday I Prescnts -1 The nuder8igned beg leave to oall the attention to a large us- : sOftment of t isteful aiul elegunt |jeweffFy suitable for Christmas , | Presents.
FIawaiian i^la<r i’ill^ ia <liti'erent si/.<s. Piawaiian Jewelry a sj>ecialty. If yoa want to bay an elegant antl at the same time au inesj en>ive Chr*stmaH Present, eall aroaud aiul insp«ct mv stock. THOS. UNDSAY. -\£clik-ra/ iIU>ck, Fort St.Hou*la!u >ievl U Sans SDiici Hūl'EL; WAIKIKI, HONOL0LU. First-Cl3ss Aeeo'nmooations for Tourists anel !s!and Guests. Super/or Bathirg FACrUTI£S. Private Cottages for FamilleS. T. A.-FIMPSON, °ct9 Manaser.