Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe ’ 7T*rr ao« **btt fw eow» The *eatbi>r I*> Jst h eool ud br»eing. »md stror*c North. The eqninoctial stonn «m only kiightlr app«reDt here. m Honolaln. The b»nd e ac~rt at M %kee t«!«nd i«_-t eveuing wts vell «tt«ridi<i. The }xTpal r phoaograph p«rb»r« are the cer.tr«* of attractioa now for «nd chtldrvn. The EliiiiO t->nig'<t. ut ihe V M l* A b«lt; Mi>. G »u- Je- ] »crib!ng tLc 1kj otiful picture.s. H*w«tian» ar»> a\ >iJ ng Um/ bu'in* '> a.f» tmg» o( the v*ri>0» »ard eiah» Th« ‘T tk;teb eo ' i» the uame • >f tbe l»t«ly «rn\.ti Jip.«ne?st> iu.tn-ofw.tr. Ib)-.*hill - n v,ue «iil probably Ik! ‘ muJ m uffici»l csrcifs, in tli« near f Jnre. Itut why? A livelv mfftiug wm ueld in the fifth distnct last evemng, whieh, uearly re»ult«?J iu a fighl. Poliee busines.H is the iuost lirofit.tble at j r<-.~ont. Other, regaiar, liu* - «>f traJe being reporteJ ;ts iuost du!l. A yt ung Hawaiiao, houest nnJ eapahle, willing tt> wurk, aud for n Hmall r<-uiunorutu>n desires a j»e»Hitiou iu u store or olhee. Nuraeroas J.«panese aaiioiH frotn the Iwo inen of w.tr mo in towu Uns afternoon eudeavoring tu get rid of their “laud-legs,’ T Another scandal in bigh iife is reported, *nd will j>rpbabiy be fimsheJ m the divorce conrt. Honolulii is becoming civilized. M;»jor Wolters wns snccessf«l in fonning his M tnnerchoir Ust oveniug. TL**re wns a gootl attendance. Aaotber r*lehrf is ou Jeek for the co«rts. Tiie missionary • Jisjx*8eJ people here. pquest«*J tbe ili'hom v not to use uamea. Mo.»nlight jt;»rt!es are the moet |>romment t>f the a.>S'>ciHtioDs at Col Sher»tKvl > L >ug linneh station. Jnring this season. ■ ■ ■■■■ I Caj’t.iiu AnJrews was bonora ' bly ac»j«itteJ of the charge af a»-> t'i!t a«J bittery j»>ese«teJ ag«inst him by George C.»vaaaugh. Mr. Smith th> jmrser o( the Kilaaea Hou h»s resigne<l his jH»sition. He will vaiy j>robahly fa'I into the ra«ks of jo«rnalism. wheiv he Wlo»>gs. Doo’t f«.>rget that there will be ’ a stereopticon lec*a>e “On the Khino by W. Luther Wilc»»x »1 ti>e Kawaiahao ch«roh ne\t SatorJay evening. w — Th«re s many a whale that ls never sven. bnl vi~it>rs to Col. J;m Sherwt»vJ > Long Knneh, e t« haveaview of whales thst are pretty lame rK»nHiJeriug the pres«‘uce of tbe wha)ers_ Hon. A. P Peters<vn who in eompane wilb Dr 0. Peteraon, Mr. H. KeHeimaun anJ Mr Surkey. h s K*eu -fveoJiiig sereral Jays at KooUa on th>» isl«nJ r\>turoeJ lo town last nigbt. The i*»ba iUiiwar olfers opportunity to e\enlvvjy to inspect one of the Lrge»t sugar plantatiooH auj milia everv I | SatanL»y at low ratc. Oall at tbe otfioe anJ get ».ticket. _ r There are yet a few ladies h«ts , left at the store of C. Girdler. (K .Aiuman « >tn»et The pretty a«.d fashion«ble shapes o( tbese , haU beSidea tfa« veiy UMimubl« i figore at wliieh they are ctfeHnl t ■ eauaeil a piigrim«gw ol tbe f*tr w U‘ the »Wre *ad tb« resatt ;s tfaat tfa« sappiy fa& ue«riy pu«. i * «k

T': ; e in*|wtor» of u aam<*l by t&e «tuteXi»t‘oa c»«» « l*agh. foc«a] Fajn, t:»« re j*r*x*nUtire of lis« p Tercment h*s oot yet r-tarn-d to noaeloia froaa bu iaspectioa of Hiwa-.ian plmUl ai. Ooiooel V. V. .V$aforri hw mote»l hi* I»w-oSiv'e to the corner of Kiog onl stre»-t. Tbe new qaarter> cf the O-ionel are extremely well app>»iatel »oa eooveoiently Mr C W A-hf«>rvl trill c«'ulīnoe h - lacratire busĪD«~s at t: e o'1 >n>.i oext t-j liie Post S- vB£D' *' ' "*” vrere * • >rej ve*t«nUy un the 3rr:r*l>»f the secoo<l 4.i|».nese »n '.n *-f war *n»l the r**so!ts *re |>!*»b!v -fv}*«r**tit ♦ }■ • . »■• ••;_;** * - "•> en