Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company.

Mareh 14. 1894. Tuo f sct that bat les> than one hnrdred j'»atents have heen iss :e 1 bv the Haw liiau Government does not speak v Iaraes for the invont've ability cf t!;e ro.> dent> of tbis couutiy. Nor an* all tbe pateuts to Kawaii:ins. n uy of tbem, perhaps a majority, are merely to people in the United States who wish to j>rotect their interests all over the world. We hnve had a p tcnt issued f<>r the Joncs Locked Fenee. becanse we saw th.it it was a good thing, and tbe j>eoj>le who boild fences bel:eved it the best thing they had ever secn. Cert;iin parties had m contemplation the mannfactnre of the art:cles nsed in the Locked Eenoe, and we did not ihink thut an imitation article wonid be half as good as t',ie original, hooee, the patent on Hawaii. We h ive been selling the Jones Locked Fenco for a year and its jjopularity is growing i every day. As an evidence of i what the Fence is tliought of bv a gentleman who is tborooglily well posted in catt!o and fences 1 we jmblish the fo!lo\ving letter: “Kapapala Bancb. Kau, Hawaii, March 10, 1894. E. R. Hendry, E>q., Manager Huwaiiau Hirdware Co., Houolulu. Daar Sir; i I I*ave jnst comp1eted some three miles of the ‘ Jones Loek Eenee” and must say that I am very mneh pleased with it, in fact it is the fence for a rancb. I h;<d abont a uiile to construct over “l»ahoehoo” wlicre it was nearlv impossible to get a post dotro, and found iu this case, especially, tlie “Jones fence” was a great saviug of I »bor. Tbere are places in lhis Eenee where the posts are at least 75 feet aj>art and tiie space between filied iu with stags. There is no sag to it. and it is as springy a® a wire mattress. I am confident tbat it will tnrn i any ordinarj stock. I bave some two aud a half miles more to constrnct over a conntry where wild cattle are very plentifnl. and as soon as it has nadergono tbe test there, wīll write yon fnrther. If it will tarn tbe stock on this part of the lunel, and I feel confident it will, yoo ean rest assnred that it will turn most anvtbing, txcept a Lava flow. Very Trn’y Toars, J. MONSARRAT.’ Thia should convince tbe most skeptical; if ibere are people who still donbt, let tbem eome to our storc and inspect a satuple. • ' ; Tte Hāiia Hartware 05« 3u7 Fort btreot.