Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — Good for the Babies. [ARTICLE]

Good for the Babies.

— I TLe Abnsina p:ven ai the 2J itercitv H>«tae Iast $atardiv for , the oeneni of th»t worthy instī- , tit;on w.»s a most bri!!iant sncfir. .neia iy as otfaenrise. Fro*n 1 o eloek tit! 6, an immense crow l of f :or le fiiled the grounJa f an«l enjcye<I tLe gocd tfaings tbat fiile<I tue r.anieroas tables in tfae ’ laiiai erecte 1 for tfae parpose. ; Ti:e Jecorat:ons witb and vT“ flowers were beantifal, and tbe N it.on.il Cmd disconrsed fice mus;o darĪDg t-e aftemoon. R ire:y lias such a nnmber of people g.;t!iered bere on sach an oceasion, ar. I in spite of the ‘bard ti:nc-s everv body seemed to bave a pocket full of mt>ney —when thev 1 g>t t!iere. Most people wfao \vcre “intcrviewcd” by the many pretty giris liad to walk Lome. i Many r<minent people called during ‘Le d.iy. N*oticeable were 1 H. M Qaeen Dowager KapUJani anJPri;. .-s Pomaikalani. Messrs Dole, Parker, IIatch, W. G. liwm, Ja.l 1. S; .reckels, Oammina, au.l niany cthers \vith Iadies visited the plaee, and a large naiuber < f naval officers en<leavored a!so to eat pig and.poi \vith or withont fork. About >"M0 will be realīzed whieh is a h ghly satisfactorv resu!t. The j liilie.s maiiaging the affair nre deserving ot the Lighest credit for tbeir uutiring efforts iu secaring this excellent is.sue of tbeir luau.

How toccuixo to see onr “Republic.ins“ at Saturday’s loao doing obeisauce to the “Eoyalty , ‘ present there! Mmy people iu the coiuraunity nre miuns eoin to-day, tbe Governraent hiving pl.ived a “low down” Apiil Fool Joke, on | March 31 st, aud have extented it [ to to duy. “\Vhcre is the dea-r Oueen’’ is j said, ou good aathurity, to have j bnn oue of tlie expressions by ! r ' one of t!io Jndd faraily at ‘the | Maternity luau. They. (not all ) raay find it dear, mahope.