Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Don't be late vitb your mail for the East, tomorrow. Tije Baar.l of Healtb is in eoanoil tbis afternoon. Tbe voice of the firebell is now n»rely Leanl in tbe lanu. The members of the poliee force mav be paiJ to-morrow. * The tmde winds are temper- . ing o!d Sol's inAuenee to-day, as j usaal. There is a new marsha’ namtd again. Tbiutime it 1 o*s ’ike bnsiness. The secrct League intend to be in a coming popular movement, in the near future. French Comraissioner Vizzavo- I na visited tbe U. S. S. Pbiladel- | phia tbis morning. Business, from present daily «P']>earances, seems to be a thing of tbe past, in Honoluln. The Mannercbor society will rneet th s evening nt the Pacific Hotel parlors, at 7;30 o’eloek. The nii«n med, radical. nnd j uncharibible sheot, yelept the •‘Friend, : ’ is out. for Aril. IIon. W. G. Irwiu has goue on a short business visit to the Mhkaweli plant.ition ou Kauai. Sov. ral of the Adams’ crew who.se service timo has expired will ie:ive by the Monouai f*»r the , I Coast The Hawaiian Hardware Co ; <offer suggestions whieh aro at least worth perusing; see their I “ad." lt is a ple«sure to be enabled to st ite that “Hay” Wodebouse is fast recovering bealtb and i strength. The sehn. nevs Geneva «nd O. M. Kellogg will both, probably, sret awav for tbe Coast to-dav j ■O- - | 1 sugar ladcn. Howard Hilchoock’s paintings j of the Volcano still »dd interest ; lo the interior of tbe Pacifio j Hardware Co. The schooner Alleu A, captain SchHge. suiled ycsterday for San Francisco with a sugtr cargo valued at S2Sli31117. There is a doubt existing rela- j tive to the autheuticity of the tot<ls of registered people, pub- | !ished by the p. g. papers. The m ter i f the Electric Co. | is proving to be as unrei;ab!e as | * # thut whieh has a historv iu eonueelion with gis compauies. The appearanco of the lines of lelephoue cumpnaies refiect credit «i'ou the supervisiou of 8uperinteudeuts Cassidy aud Aung-t. S. Ehrich the proprietor of tho ‘ ’i’emple of Fashi*m Jiy goods store has becn «djudged a bankrupt, ou his own petition. The totals of recalcitraut subscr<bers to the ' Tit-er and Ral*, at ! the uow vate, is uot v. iy promisiug to advertisers iu tho.se papers. Tue iuerabors of the H iwaiiau ; Natioml B »uJ will give a pnvate cumpliueutaiy concert tuis eveu,mg to soiue of their fore»gn i friedsn. The l’nion S S. Monowii, Captaiu Cirey, is dae here toi uiorrow .irom fbe Colouies, sue will briug a few days latsr telograpbic ne«s. Tbe i>Uir oflioe bas, at last, fully doveloped iuto what was expected. aud thst is a r>M offiee. i’he white compositors are to be replaced by cbeaper mea. ■I * . Tue Quean’s H'»s »ital trustees ackuowledge the rt-ceipt of $ŌCKX) from tbe estate of A. A. Carnot, ' j (wbo died at the Leper Settlement) aud for whieh the said trustees proraise to {»erj'etaaUy maiutain a L»eJ in tbe institut»on j whieh sba!i alvays be at tbe dis {i»ositi>»u of tu. re t ie»ea:ati«e ol I k'