Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

Apkil 5. 1S93. The worst cases of inaigostion eoine from poor cooking »s often .is from tbo qoality of the food. Years ago »heo tbe iliet of the 1 natives con>isted principally of Poi and Fi<h dyspepsi i »«s an j nnknown qualily among tuem. Their digestivo orgms were not ; impaired by the many d.tfereut articles of fooil whieh contact , with foreigners has bn*nght to th«ir uoliee. lt is not that tho fi*od is uot suited to the systems jof tuo Haw,iiians that illuess ! follows its adoption b\ tliem, bnt, j becanse they do not take the same care iu cooking. Now, that Stoves. «nd goo«l onos too, ai-e low in the price, there is ao re.ason why every native on the Islauds shonld not bave one. Wo sell PANSY and have liud snch good reports from parties who have used thera during tlio past four years. This Stove burns either wood orco.il, and aregoovl b.ikers. Wo have them in varions sizes, »nd tho pnieo is g >verued accord;ngl v. O - Wo also koep a large stock of crockery, cups aiul saueers, Poi Bowls etc., either whito or *otored, whieh weoffer.it rodnced ;irices. In tine China, ue havo what is considered by jadges to be th3 best iu t!ie world. Our Haviland Ware is ased in all the best f.imilies, because it is justas eheap as plain white Chma. Tlus irticlo is sold in sets or single !iiecss; if you do not foel that youcan aH'oal a ful! set at ono time beg;n by pnrcliasing a halfdozen ;>lates or a eup .-iiul s.iuc,'r, yon 1 *an thon ad.l to it from t;raa to | :imo until vour set is eomplele. ! lf you luppen to break any of :he pieces you e m al ways rep aea them from our >tock so tliat yonr set is always perfoct. The decorytions on tlio •‘2l9o’’ p ittern, are Carnafcion stud «ndQjld,aad are such that tliey njvor becorae joinmon. A good eompanion for tho Havi!«nd China in any hous9 is the Ficher Steel Iiange. It is a Iittle higher iu price thau the fron Stove, but tlie siving in fuel soou m ikas up tho dirtjrence. Oae advautag3 in a steal range Auothor is in the fact that the iven is ready for baking 15 min,itos after the fira is strated. Are dready in the range, and yon have only make connection •vith yonr water pipes aml boi!ed to have bot water for bitbing or 3ooking pnrp"ses. Onr ntuges »re made of materinl twice as :hick as formerly, conseqnently, they will la.st longer. Somo of the renders of the Holomua are interested iu land »nd conseqnent!y, have to do aaore or less fencing. We bave i very large st<x*k of plain and barbed, black and g«lvanized .vire whieli we offer at the lowest pneea. la eonneelion witb onr wire, we se!l the ot!ier materials, days and:wasbers,for making the •elebrated Jones Locked Fence whieh is acknowtedged by every one to be the best fence ever eonUructed. If yoa contemplate boi1ding « fonce nnd wish to savo monoy and have a wire fence that w»11 not sag you cannot do better than bny the stays, wire and - wasiicrs, ani have the best fence yon eversaw. Understand one thing! We !iave Ihe largest slock of goods for the hoase, ranch aod planlation to be fonni in the Islands, and the prices *re lower tban any other store. If you want garden hose, sprink!ers, spndes, shnvels rakes, lawa—mowers or any tbing else nsed iu the flower garden. we ean sell them cheuper tban anv one else. T:e Einiiai Harliare ct. ; » * 30T