Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Maui Politics. [ARTICLE]
Maui Politics.
On the eTocicg of April 4tb. there wasalarge and enthasias- > tic meeti g of the Hai Aloha A:ca’ at the Wailoku Skating Bink. There were betweec 600 anJ 700 people present. Speeches were made by Jobn Kalama, John R:chardson. A P. Paehaole and others. On the 5th inst. a , meeting was he!J at Spreckels- - ville anj largely attecded. The speeches by S. E Kaiae, Wm. • Edmonds, John Kaluna, Thos. , Clark, Frans Metcalf anl John Richar l?on were hcartily reoeived by the auJience. > The closing words of one of the principal speakers were. ‘•Loavo that ballot alone. It s hot.” Tbe almc?t nnanimons feeling 1 amongst tbe Natives arouud here is to have notfciug at all to do with the eleelion of Delegates to the Const:tutional Couveution ■ and not to tako the oatb. is a split ia the Wailuka (?) Union Party Tbe bone of Contention seems to be tbe Asiatic plank in tbeir platform. At the meeting of the Anuexatiou CIub. the matter eame to a vote and A*iatic plnnk v n* ivted oiit, by a vt.te i>f 17 to 12. The leaders of tbo miuority were S. , E. Chillingworth. Geo. Hons aud 1 W. A. McKay. The majority was lead by Kalna, G. Armstrong and D. L Meyer. A very heated dis cussion followed. And the great politicians haveu't cooled yet. Ou the evening of the 4th inst. both p u t : es met at the Conrt Hou.se for tiie purpose of holding meetings. Tue maj<»ritv wiug li d decided to moet at the Conrt House on April 4th. At 4 P. m, of the same day Geo. Hons posted notices calliug for a meeting of the Americau League at tbe same : plaee. The Kalua party got there first and hekl tho fort despite the warlike atlitade of Sheritl Chilliiiiiworth and his followors. It is said that Sheriff ChiiIiu;’worth woukl have boen pitched out of the window by a eeilain excitable court oflici.il, had tbey not given way. After considorable bickenng the disgruntlcd minority went to Bailey’s Hull and held their raeeting there. Ieaving Kalua s party mastors of the s;taation, and in possession of tbe Court House. The atte:npt to bulldoze the ; uativos intoregistering is growing | bo!der and bolder. Sheriti Chil i Iingworth has nohfied the Depu-ty-Sheriff in Makawao to register or take the conseqnences. The deputy rofust-d point blank. Anotber p.g. oAieial at \\'ailue bas been trying to bulldoze tbe natives there into registering and taking the oath. Ho ln.s even gone so far as to threaten them with beiug shot down 1 ke dogs withont t. gson, shonld they refuse to reg.ster. A Hawaiian preseut lhreatened to hammer the stulfing out of him if he did not sliut up. He shut up. Mr. John Richardson has left for a tour thr<-ugh Kahakuloa, Honokohan, aml Kaauapali, for Lahaina. where l.e and M illiam White w;ll address iho Haw.iians. The natives and inost of i the foreigr.ers will have t othing to do with the conventi n. nor do tbey pri pose to have a constitu- . tion r imncd dowu the:r l!iroats witboot bavix g it snbm tted to tho ]>eople. All are anxions to hear what the people iu Honolulu are d >ing. Tbe gener 1 belief :> 1 that the Roval st- t!.cre bave 1 thr >wn rq> t it- >pong-‘ or g >'ie to • sleep The men who will be >ent to that abortive fnrce oi a eonvention wili r,ost .ikelv te H. P. > Uaklwin. oil Huruerof Lahaina, schoi'luiaster Townsend, and perhaps a Kauaki Tbe P- rtagcese are bstaining from rrg;sterlr.g in spite uf the plankuiou iniluences. Hana is the on!y distiict r where the p.g. makes some progress. The canse is rataral enoagb. as C. B"lte controls Hai na p)autation, and W. O. Smith - tbe R-ciprocity. W e hear thoagh . I that the Amene.m Leaguo party s ■ controls the district and will re- - * fase to nooiinate that misenble s ex parson Ios»q>;i. who it w.li t i-emem’oaīeil, )> suc i :» joti ■ ful role ia ihe , : >t ’ \ r • W-ILvKl.