Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions or the uterances of our correspondents.] EDITOR HOLOMUA: That wayward Star man in his issue of April 16 loses his temper and uses language rather unbecoming a gentleman, by saying; "Some fool writes to the HOLOMUA that after taking hold of Pearl Harboer the United States will direct what form of government the Islands shall have." Most assuredly my dear San Diego buzzard, that is just about what Uncle Sam will do, after he takes possession of Pearl Harbor--to see that a government is born here for the people as a whole. We are satisfied and have been for some time past, that the Star man has been quite bilious and out of sorts, ever since he was stopped from getting a seat in the Advisory Council. Then again, we are well aware that it was a bitter dose for Mr. Star to swallow at the time the Star stockholders cuffed back into the traces, and made him look closer to his catechism. Therefore we feel a streak of pity for the man, ss we know how badly soaring amibition feets and snorts when cornered. The Star man is now verging on to that age, when it is time for him to desert the den of the devil, and join the haven of those very pious soldiers of the cross--O.P. Emerson, Joe Emerson, Prof. Alexander, Thurston, Oleson and "sich," who like little hatchet George Washington never told lies. Since the government of the people etc., is now assured by Cleveland ordering a plebiscite for the Islands, we feel called upon to offer up now and then, a silent prayer of valvation, for the disappointed and sore-afflicted lone Star from San Diego. JUSTICE AT LAST. No Wonder. --- Stevens and Thurston we both among the conspirators who accomplished the overthrow of the Hawaiian Government, it is not surprising that Minister Blount did not select them as the men to furnish him with reliable testimony as to the ways and means employed in the overthrow of a sister government. The men who have not committed a crimw are not supposed to furnish the evidence for their own conviction. --Exchange.