Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 93, 21 April 1894 Edition 02 — By What Authority. [ARTICLE]
By What Authority.
The new Auditor General will be reqnested to assist the finance . department in systematizing as- ! sessrnents and co!lection of taxes. | —Siar. “Pshaw” don’t worr} T , keep yoar hair on Sammy, the tax figures are liuhle to materialise all the same in the near fature, i together with other interesting I matter whieh no donbt you are ; anxious to insj*ect. The figures have been carefully ' compiled and will prove reliable, I a fact whieh you will appreciate, j and one well worth recording these times, but the “system” | used is the same old one, but just j i as good as ever. The result has been arrived at without assistance from any ! “Expert accountant” or “Mathmetician,” and from whieh no appeal shall be made to any j “Laws.”