Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — Church Services. [ARTICLE]
Church Services.
The services of tlie Cat!iedri«l C'»ngregitiou «>f St. AnJrew’s CatheJnl for tomorrow i>re us fnllows: 6:30 a. ib. , Ho!y Coinmnnion; ’.l u.in.. morni»g service aml s«rmon; 7:30 p.m., evensong ii nil ser.non. T!ie services of the Secoml Congreg ition of St. Amlrew's Crtttie<lr-il tom nmw (SanJay) will l«e :is foI!ows: 9:15 a.m., H«»U C->miunnion with seruion; Sanc I • tns an ! Kvrie, smart in G; liymns 340.mJ 323; Nync Dimittis, E!ve\ . in A; 15:30 p.m., evensoug w.tli isermon: M <gniJc.it, D.i!jo-.sin G Nune D.mitt s. Gllbert in F. Aulhem. “lfYeL.v«Me. K»'<*|. | My C >niiiian«lme»t8,’’ l»y Monk; hyiuus, ‘210, 1S9 au i 28. All are ; iuviteJ. At the Centr.il Vnion Chnrch cor. of Beritania aml RichnrJ sts. will be heUl as fulloWs: Sumlay Sc!ukJ at 9:43 ».m.. Pnh lie Worship at 11 a.m. anJ 7:30 p.m. The Youug People’» S«»c : ety of Cbrisiiau E iJe»vor wil! j u»;et at 6:30 p.ia. All are corJi.»le\ . nvit«\l to these ssrvices. Tlie Y. M. C. A. inembcrs will } hoU services on SuuJ iy, 11 n.m., at Oahu Jail; 1:15 j».m., ut tht 13 irncks; 3:30 p.m., Dible study I ut Y. M. C. A.; 6:3i> G*jspel 1 praise service at Y. M. C. A. ReorgiuizeJ Charch of J«jsns i Clinst tf Latter D*y Samls: JL*U, xe*T *oi Oper.» Hoose Sjiv.c«s wul b-* Ue»l-«>n, Sa>iJ »y *»> f>»t ows: 10 >Vui.. >*ibl<i v»ass; 11 :U a. u» a»»J i :JU pl Ui.