Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 May 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


To morrow is called an eleeLion j Jjv. — Cnnninghan—syuomym—Oy-' stver OoekUila. * | WinJ soutb again today. Weather very warrn. Q iite a nn*nber of ih*’ tattereJ; ensigos have takeu a tumble. "Unele T j<n's C ibin" wlll be' the next ni »tinee pei’lomanee on ' SatarJ;iy XIuy 12th. — M\y day. BeaotifiJ ParaJ;se: of Pacific wealher bere. Al meJa tomorrow from tbe Sontb. AVarrimoo for Vancouver not yet sigbted. Mr. Towfe bite of tbe Slar inteuJs to st-»y in town. A “new JnJe’ crawls t'irougli the cubiu winJows, into joaru-j alis:n. Aaotber linl. A bull terrier pnp 9 nionths olJ bas gone astray. See uol'ee. Cal fornia J iv at tbe MiJ'vinter F.iir. Muvlst, C:iIiforni.i cbilJren also nssist in tbe celebration. Miss Josie G issman is reporteJ to li.«ve lieen tlie loser of a valuablo JiamonJ bracelet prizeJ a keepsakc. • — W. H >r.ice Wright Esq. bas bcen releg«teJ to the r.mks of | tiie nnemployeJ from that of tbe I Governaient service. Tlie Drxhauf iull Freneh crnis or, siileJ as per intention, this morning for tiie Marquesas. Tho 'Ti*er Jisplays an enter prisi wliieli is mpst coramenJiible aiul nJvances tho “art preserv.i tive“ in the estim it:on t»f people at houie anJ ibroaJ. Tbe prognmme f>r tho vaces to be hehl oa K imehameha day :it Kapiolaiu P.irk is publisbed iu anotber eolumn. Laek of space preventod nientioii of the usnal SunJay cxer eises nt tlie Makiki butts. A hnie aiul mueh iuteresteJ eon j gn gitiou was pieseut. Scenic Artist Rupprecbt lias been engagej by M:iuager Dailey to paiut speciul scenery for tlie f<>rtlicomiug prulnction uf “Fiaiicesca Je Uimini. A Jīspute aiul conseqnent baJ blood between two men of tlie Oliampion w.as settleJ in man!\ f.isbion yester.l iy afternoon a sbort Jistmce from town. No e »rs vore bitten otf. no biiliarJ cues or b lliarJ balls used and the contest.mts :iro now gooJ ; friends. Tbe jirogramme publisbeJ exclusively bv tbe Holomi a t ul iy. will be of interest to sportiug frier.Js on tbe «>t!ier islauJs, as well as iu Honolnlu. Mr. W. R Dtiley states tbat/u is tlie maii ig Tof Company uow preseut here anJ playiug uuJei his Jirection. m -- - » A m s:c ile was given last evening at tbo resiJeuce of a pr.)miaeut annexatiuuist iu town aiul at whieh numerons big!i loc»l offieiaIs. iucluJing nav.il otficers of nll ranks niul n«tions., i wero iuJuceJ to p»y tbeir respects to Mr H. H We!Is. a “wur goveruor’’ of Virginij.