Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 103, 3 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
POIM) MASTER*S NOTICE. N is her«br gir«rn to *1’ pets>'a.<, there !ire at the t,toveniaiei!t Ponnd i»t Mskiki, three s:rared a.n l oae hoise. 1 poor roaa mare, feet are while. braaded P Kon right hind ks. 1 poor vhite »are, sore-l»»cs, brand«d \( X on nght hind leg. 1 poor red mare. Ion« white spot on the forehead, brande«i H E on nt;ht hind leg; nnH 1 p,jor re»l horse, brand indescnb*ble. Anr person or persousi owning k these animals are reqnestetl to cotne and take the sime on or before 12 o’eloek noon SATURDAV, MAY, ō. !S!U JAMES KUKON.A. Pound Master. Makiki. Apr. 19. 1S94. apr 20-tf Capt. Wm. Davies, !NTER- !SLAND PIL0T FOH Any Port or Landing in the Hawaiian Islands. lnqnire at o<5ee of J. S. Walkek orer ( Spreckel’s Ilank. (<rb l4«tf. WM. DAVIES, Ki<rger, j j Stevedoro AN,) NV recker. K.STIMATES AXD COXTBACTS 0X 1 ALL KIXDS OF WOEK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn regnlarly betweea this port and Waialaa, Kawailmpai, M >knleia, Keawenui and Kniki on the islaud of Oahn. £]For Freight, etc , appiy to the Captain. Inquire at Office of J. S. Walker, over Spreckols’ 13ank, or Wright Bros Fort Street., dec 16-tf T JL V Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The abore Store has receired another Spleudid Invoioe of JaPANESE jSlLK. Y ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, 1 Dress Goods in all ahaile, plain and tignred. Cnshions, Table Covers, Bed Covers, fiorn», CheniLses, Shawis. Si Crape Rainbo\v Silk AH Colors Fancr Draperies, E1BS01DESED HANDKERCHEFS, Doillies, Scarfs, Sashes, Jackets, Cape, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The rriees of lhese Qoo ls will astonish yon mc!ading ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0N081 Handsonir Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, LIKUE A>DXM1LL J»PI5ESE KIGS Silk Umbrel!as, light bnt strong; Chair Saddles, Silk; Bamboo Blinds, fitted with pallej-s; Silk Lamp Sbail«s, new styie. JAPA.V£.>£ sCKt£Ns, From |3 Cp. UKGE JlPi3t£SE U1BKELL1S Can be Set with Pole in the groasd. nioe ior Pieaiea or Lonehae oni of doors, they cas be opesed ont or ttaed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES IX GREAT VARIETY LjT Ln*pecdon BespectfaDy Inrited. MBS. J- F. P. eOLLAOO, Proprietreet. AprI3-3aaa