Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Basiness Cards M. LOSE, >Totarv L^uhlie. Colkctor awl Oeneml Busincss Agent. Paienlee of I-osk’s Chemical Compouxd for Clarifyhuj Cane Juue. Sub-A<jent for s*:vcral of tJ t e Best FIRE IXSVRAXCE COS. MaUial ‘lelepQo!Jt» P. O. Box 33$. Verr*h»Dt TT‘'nnln!n. Cltys SVIeat Market Oj.»{>°. Quetn Emma Hall, Est.»blishe;l lsS3. .108. TiMKER, FAM IL Y E3L|ycH | 3Iaker ofthe Celehrated Cambridye Pork Saiisage ! Try Them. AIeat Delivered to Any Part of \ tue City aud Suburbs. Mutnal Telephone Number 2S9. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST. f Honolulu, : : H. 1. ! GENERALam. ! Commission *>*■ ->>: Meroliants — AXD — SUGAR FACT0RS. 1 ACF..NTS FOR Lloyds :— Iiritish an«l Foreign Marine Insuranee Compauy, Lmiited. N<»rthern Assurance Co, Hre 8c life. Pioneer Liue of PaekeU frotu Lfverpool. H-iw.uian Liae of Packets. VmM Paciflc Railway Co. Canallaii-Anstralian SteamsliiD‘Co. Liverpool Oi ncr;The Albar.y, 01J Hail|St. 6HU0E & A. d. CARTWRiGHT Bj«ness of a Fi<luciary Natare Trsnsacted. Pr»iapt attention given to the management of Estates, G tardianship$. TrusU, etc., etc., etc. Orfces, : Ca iwriyht Buildtng t Merchant Strect. Honolnlo. CHAS. CIRŪLER, īmi)orter anel Commission Mercbant’ SPZCIALTILS: J. le P. CoaU' Maeoine Thrc*d Jouas Brooks’ Maohme^P'oiea : J B*rbonr'<JLinenjThre*d Pears’|So«p P.’O. Box 353. MutnaiJTeiephone 13 Street. LEW1S i C0.. " fthoiesa!e and Retaii |Gro AND PROVISION DEALER8. FRJSR CAUF0RMA SALM0.N ONICE By Every 8m Fraseisoo S*- amei. in Babrkls A SP£CULTY. I// Pjri[Sl. t HohoIuIu. 340 t P\l. £ax