Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — GEORGE TROUSSEAU. [ARTICLE]


A Truc Fnend of Hawiii has Gon: to Rcst. It is a t-sk to p«n the ]<aes th:it will i u irtn onr ab.->eut frier.'lg cf tliede>tb of a man hke }George Trm.sseiQ. It is se!J >m ! 11»:■ t pe >i’Ie> f ill c!a»v*s,op;<es.-il , t<> e !C*i • ther s c:aJly uau p<jii- i t ctn g :tit* r ar n;;.l t i«* b cr ;.f .t feli •»r-cit z-;a .»n>l iui.e m sav ng. * ’.e h ;ve iost a fn*ind.' ; A »d imleeil Doctor Tr -n.--e.-iu w-.s .1 friuud — n -t aluo ; of in>l>v'd «uU ■ •iot aioue "f tlus l»is a lupie.l ; . r ;coa:>* : . b it •{ m akihl. how- *. ver i - >r s *nte«l i;»d how.*vor i : cl »Ss -!* S ;■ ne; ts >f t ie li /hest; r»ucij : s «>{ o-rality amll lion i \Vi-r. t . ■ j rimo mov.iv in tho 1 1. 1 ».*t >r - • ir • *r \ ' F» >*rn t;e »l.t-.-s a 1S4S i»ad 1S.»2 ! ! wliou Lo - i stu>lent foogl»t m • tli«; st: ‘eU ’f I* »r!s. he L »s uuswerviug'\ '•e!ieve i m t'«e rigl»t.s cf t'ie |»e •. I ,tu l earlv **r l tt; was ae fo>»nd reudy to serve iheni .ts a plivs.ci >u ;-s a friend or i . 1 - siinj>ly .is n fellovv-maa D ctor Tronsseau hsd m ide H.iw.iii his honm. He iived bere fur ne.trlv thirty years andi he died here as he al\vtys desiied He e.me froro a slock tn;ido iinraort.il iu France and m I the civiiized \vorld t!irongh tlie faiue of his f,it!ier G.*orge Troasseau the e!der a physician uf the Uigiiest rej>ute only perlx aps equalled iu t!iis ceutury in Frar.ce by Nelalou. Our lost friend \vas boru iu Paris on the lst of M iy, 1S33, aud liad con5equently just atttiu“d Lis <>lst year. He received the usual edueation of a woaltby Pieneliinan and entered tho eeole <le nh-lieuie in P«iris at tl»e early «go of lō years. The revo’ntiou «f 1848 stirred liis feeli. gs nud lio j oathfully rushed into the molee. lu 185'i whilo yet a stu>lant he submitted to his liber.d iusl!ucts! aiid during the davs of excitemeut 1 ho foundhimself iu jail. For three j long and \voarv divs did hisl n - I father soek tho missing sou and with \vliat anx ety ean l e imagiaed bv tliose {ttui!iar \vith | those davs when daily hundreds of men. selected at raudom \vore; taken out fi*om ihe j lii aiul shot dowu. Tur<iugl» tbe poweilul' inliaeuee of ins father the young rrousseau was liberated and with t serious waniing . lloweil to rosr.me liisstud’es. 'egr du«led as a lirst cl«ss j.hvsic<aii and b*;eaiue a valuable assisl nt to I bis father For personal reas><us he Uft his beautiful C;>untiv aud \vent to \ustra ia aud New Z *al and. iu Aastraiia his adventnr ' ous spirīt carried hiio to the g>>ld mines, aud there b ;s beeu times wlieu luek soiiled on him and he roll<d in \vealtu, while —as the' fate is of so many mineis—he woald find himself bankruptthe! following d<y. Ile Hrrivo<l in Hawaii in 18Gō, and has resided bc*re e\er siuco. He sooa gaiue 1 great fame »s a doctor, «ud his geuial i/bt'ia>que manuen» inspired I tlie public \vith unliu:ited eoufidence. He \veut to Koua f<>r a w!i !e exj>eriuieutii!g «s a sheeo | rniser. He i»»\\stetl iu Kukui haele. «ud he fiually ret«rneil to Hom*lulu and resumed his pne j ticeasa vbysivi-«r. Tbe pro-i er itv <>f Hawaii was always iu his miud, aud lie \vas always readv to promote auy new industry tb.;t <uiglit prove a soiiR'eof l*enefit to 'iis adopted couutry. At •» gre it deal <f exj*ense, he started th«i ostricli farm at Waikiki whieh late!y was under the raamgement ! of his nophew Mr. Mor sseau. j His practice was very lucrative. j but bis ever oj>en beart «nd,: evcr oj>eu purse prevented blm frora becoming ricb ' He receive.i ra iov proofs of the ?oufilence ;»n*.l respect in whieh ill 1 eid hiiu. The oiost iiuportant, positions undcr the g;*verument have been bel<l by him. As| Pre>ident of tbe Huanl of Heahh be plaeea th.it important depart ment on a soaad and proper Uasis. Tbe ralera oi Qavau 1

*i» -\ s honortJ him. He ntt«tuleJ Ra ehatneb;i V L“aalilo • i 1 ''* 1 * nc:«jor oo h>s st-ff aR<l his persoa 1 physici«n. K»l«kaai befrieaJe<l him and appoioted hitn bef >re li)s death the execotor, of his w:Il and the administrato'- | of his estite. It wonhl occapv t‘*o' j meeh space tc enncnerate tfae j honors thnt t?ere desenredtv| heapeil oa tl»e doce .sed Bnt far better tfa «n the ontw,ird sigas of appreciation g>ined from tfae : r"gil or t’" w.*ii!‘hv is the «leep- > feelīng o? r. ' • •.:■.! |., v - ti.«» fin.l r.*»iu iu tlic .;e,irts of fven Huwaiian, p‘>or «>r ricb ,. r low. Ttie ki'ki /nlaui will be reoienaberfeil v*L~n so manv otliers>r«. foi£T tte>i aa<l !ils cn>* >i>>r\ O . ( ! • iil ?tlw.»ys be e ,iph*d wit>i an li nit>‘ l reverence, gr.titulo an I I l«ive. I