Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
i : T:ie Advertlsar »'i> catcbes ! i, » persons eve usn»i.y w;ns a ci'.stonier. M »nv didereRt ~tv ! e~ f »<lverti~ : ‘ g h,»ve lv*en adi'pted j »nd w.tu m >re or K ss sncces~. Ky the believers in the n~e of pr:nters ink. The mmof »ctnrers of P t *ars S.»;tp, for :n~tance. oeo »> < i i< ailv bnv paintings t!>at h.ve beeu on exh ; b-tion in the P <r: ~ S iloa’ :.,id ii »ve I:th 'gnp’ ~ xa-le-from t.K"u f<>r the pnrp)~e *>f bring ng tfaeir or > l iot ! .).'f >re thrt j>eo. ie. ln ad l.t; *a t ) s*ich ~id; is.~īi;*~, Pear s|>en.ls han lred~ th >u~<nd~ < f J »il >is annna!!y amonp ll»e aewsp«j>ers aud nngZ Ites. Soa»*.* Vfc-»r~ ag > tl»rt **g.‘:»t' i-f cvrt lin article on sa!e in New Tork m »dc a h:t iu advert sing by iiaving on Bro«dway »lnring bns inrts~ honrs t\v > fatl i .*s~!y dr< Negro.*s we iringvery liip'ie )llar~. on tao b «cks <>f wh eh w»s pr.n ted “L'srt Su:ths Pillā.” Tiie - ide» w.»s novel und tiie pnblic c,mg!it oa. Rsing Sun Stovo Poli.~!i !ias bee-i kept before t, e pnbiie f>r yo irs t!iroug!i j>ersis- , tent, and som *times expen~:ve a»lvertising. Tweuty od<l year~ ago the manufacturers of tlus polis!i started lia!f a dozeu men acrossthe orni neut t> p »iut s gn~, on rocks aud feaces Tiio Aer-j motor C<>., of Cliic.ig > have in-1 1 irrt.ise»l its saK*s niore Ihan five bundred j>er cent in iwo years by i the use of priuters ink. Wel i be!ieve we buve been instra>neii- \ t.»l in iucroasiag tiie s des of the j Aemotor by keepingeverlastiug!y ;«t it in Hawaii. \Ve do not wish to siy that a»Ivertising will se!l auy m:»mifac- ' tnred artiele; taere i.~ n > uso | spending inoney in advertising j “eheap and n,»stv’’ goods be-1 canse t!ie people will n»t be hood- j winked. If HaviK»nd Ohina wa~ not the snperior article it is, nll • onr advertising uf it wouKl not 1 | j have so!»l the thon~and~ ,.f piecesi tiiat we have. We s mply eall the attentiou of tl:e j)e'‘j>!e to it j and its superior q:iality is :»ppar- j ent to tho cnsto;ner directly a j pieee of it is ex »mined. Printers ink has helpeil the sale ; <>f the James. Locked Fence but it wo dd not h ive d >nes so if it bad ; beenasflimsv astheor dimv wirrt! • . 'enee. First; the economy then- j is iu bndding it rocomnionds{ it to the plant »tion rnanager ano then its dorability clinches the the sale If tlie st «ys an l\v «~h ers cost as mueh as an ordiu n redwood post our s»ies of Uu >nj»terial wonlJ not h.«ve reaohec! such eaonaous i>roj>orlious. Oar average sale of the Pa*is\ 1 ron Stove is about t\vo a dav th* ! ‘ year round. If was nut th* best iron stove on the market w* wou!d not sell that many m six months. Advertising is the t<j t> the pnhlie the good points ii thearticie sei!s it jn~t as the go<xl rjualities of the Fiseher Stee Bange make it a desirable articl* f*>r j>eoj>!e who wish toeconomisc in the ustf of fuel. \Ve bny on!y what has pr>>vrtr, g<K>d ufter people ia the L’nited States or E >r<»pe have given it i* trial; we profit by taeir experince | if the ,»rt;cles aro g<>ood we bu\ , au*l sell tliem; if tbey are jx>oi we steor cle:»r of tbem. When , | we advertise ao ar»icle it is to at ! tract rttteution to it: the ne\vs- | pap€r is the button we j>ush, thfc i j salesmau does the rvst. Persistent advertising onpled | with the art c!j being a saperior oae has solJ tfaoasan<U of tbe i | Frank Walcot E nory File. If it i j bad been no better than an or <din:»ry scvthe stoae we pr >b»bly ; wi'uU mt bavtfs>! l twanty | Wheu a m-*n fin ls ont th »t hi~ tab!e knUea may be keptsh <rp a! all times at an expan.se of tifty cents ~nd a very !ittle elbow gre.ise he isqaite willing U> tr\ tl»e expenmeat. Īi3 HiKii HaJi3?j Cs. 3U7 Fort btroeL