Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Per Union S.S. Monewai, Datcs to May 3rd. I Coxey, in eommaul of the; Oommonweal of Chnst army j arrived in Washington May lst. He attempted to speak from the steps of the Capitol but was prevented. After a poliee raid on H»- 1 crowd. Coxev, Carl Browne. Hn*i (' ris Colu:nbas J< nes were irrested. The Senate had ad- • journed early on account of the death of S*‘nat<'r St< i kbrilge but the H<»use remained in se>s:on so as to show tbat they w c -re not terrorized by the demon stration. Coxey‘s plan is to wait for the reinforc«‘Uients whieh are to co>ue. Col. Bob Ingc<rsoIl considers the arre>t wrong. l»iots are iu progress at Clevelaml Onio. Several bloody c*<n-i fiicts hav6 t,iken plaee betwe.en! the poliee aud rioters. Troops are ; under anus in case of emergency. Presideut Cleveland was to go to Fredericksburg on M iy 10th. Breckeuridge. the dofendant in tbe notorious breaeh of promisej | case is runuiug for olliee in Lexington Ky. There is a critical state of aff.iirs existing iu the Minnesoti Irou mines at Auburn. Tue :uil- ; itia has been called out Tbe taritf leaders now l>elieve that they bave a satisfactory bill whieh wonul be reported tothej Senate bv May ōth. The chief trouble has been to iix the sugar schedulo upon a satisfactory basis, and to ret »iu the ineome tax in a less drastic form th m j that adopted by the House. Senator Joaes of Arkansas has been the moving spirit in this work. Tbrongb him itislearned touight that tbe new sugar schedale will prov1de for a duty of 40 per cent ad vt»loreni. together with j a specilic duty of one-eighth of 1 cent per pound on sogars testing sixtoen and above, Dntch stiudard. Tho sugir schedule as adopted by the House provided for specific duties. This was satisfactory to the sugar j>lantcrs I but not to the refiuers. The express traiu of Archdnke Joseph, travelling frora BudaPest!i to Gratze, was sbot at Apl. 28th. Tbe bullet eutered the compartment next to the oue oeeupiea by the Archduke. Ino- ; body was injured. News from Athens, Greece under date of A»»ril 30th states that the official reports sent from the earti>quake stricken district iu no wise miuimize the first reports of the disaster. The whole coast line from the ancient port of Laryma to Theopolvte sutfered terribly. The loss of life onj Friday night last nmst have bean very great. M. Bonpides, Minister of the I'iterior. bas received advices that in the Locrisi clis-! trict alone 3<X) persons were kill- j ed. Two hnndred and thirty-j three bodies havo already been j \ recovered. Abont 300 were in-; jared. Tbe center of the dis-j tutb.»nce līes between Lanma and the Maiue Gulf. but throiurh 1 , out the emire of Greeee the| ahocks were felt The historic hotel, St Charles,i of New Orleans was totally destroyed by tire on Apl. 2<'5ith. I Several Iives were lost. New York. Apl. 20.—.lohn L. j Sullivan, in his favorite roll of Jobn Barleycorn, made a ridiculons exhibition of bimself at Miner’s People’s Theatre on the Bowerv tonight. For the first i time in his life tbe man in Boston j who for twelve years was perc!i-; eil on the bighest pedestal of , of pugilistic fame, was |aughed : at and gnyed by an andienoe of ;of sports. The occasion was a j j benefit performance tendered to | 1 the veteran Harrv Hill bv *‘his ’ uumeroos friends. ’ Mrs. Henry Ward Be<?cher is ; reported to be in straitened cir- ! cnmstane6s. I < A thonsani men bave been , disch:rged from tho Canadian ( Paeific Bailroad service between Mootre*l and Vancoover owiug to the dallne«8 in bosinesa.