Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


0 May B!ossom tonigbt to a fall *hoose. Tbe Irmgard made a ten days p«ssage. Tbe p. g seems to be in tbe : eonaomine. — News in poliee circles isoflittle im{K>rtance. Be<i*l tbe prograrame of Kamehauiēiia day races. The Councils are “in it" and at it” this afternoon. Mr. J N. S. Williaras is wel- ■ sotned back frora abroad. The Holomla thanksMr A. M. 1 - Hew itt fur ne«rs favors received. ■ — Robert Pahau is stated to be the comiug catcbor for the "Kima.' i’he tratnway track ou Alakea street is being leveled to the streut bed. The Hawaiiuu Nalional Band will play at the Hawaiian Hotel this evening at < 30 o eloek. " Kummel cocktails are becoming most popular nnder Mujor Wolter’s dispensation. The 'Tit<er states that Mrs. Gauns will uot deliver her Par;s lect«re tomorrow eveuing. The next electiou will be tbat of the American (?) League and it promises to be a hot oue. “Unele Tom’s Cabin ’ for ladies aud children at the Opera House ou Saturday afternoon Tbe schooner Auua, eapLain Nordberg sailed frum San Francisco for Kahului on May 2ud. A candy, peanut and soda water apartment has beeu added to the improvemeuts of the Opera House. Tho Holomua is completing some printiug for the Chjef Justice. Virtne is always rewarded News bas beeu received hcre whieh is very favorable to the reputation uf the Uuited States of America. Dr. George Huddy und ex Postmaster Geueral Hill were p.issengers by the Monowai for the Colouies. The fuueral services of the late John P. Parker will take plaee at -4 p. m. at the residence of Uou. Samuel Parker. Mr. Wellesly Parker wife and J children, left by the Mouowai for the Colonies; Mr. Parker intends toreturu hither in thenear future. 1 I I The weather today is such as briugs ple:«sure to the through tour.sts who are voyagers by the steamer Monowai whicb arrived this morniug. i . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bradley were passengers py the bknte lrmganl | j with intentious of being some • tirae residents iu tbe Paradise of : the Paeilie. i 1 » * A Japanese “student“ is soou [ to be* married to a lady raember of oue of the missionary families. ! : When the event is cousummated and raade puhlie it will be a sur-pri-se. I Mrs. Gans will present beauti i ful views of Paris and its famous e buildings and deliver a lecture - thereon, in aid o! the Historical Society on Mond*y evening next. ā 1 A stowawav, wiih a storv. arrivetl by the MonowaL He may # be returued by the Australia, and he may not. He h«s been ifom cabin to eoal-hole.