Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I THe p F\IZE /\W/\^DED. Anheuser-I3usch Dre\vin2r Co. Wīn* the l?pize at ie ‘World , s Kfiir with tiuīr JEAGrL r'j J3rand JBeei\ St. Oin 1 . 2S, 1893. Mf.>'Rs. Macfap.lane & Co., L’d., H. I. Deur Sirs: —e b;iYe maileJ yon & copy of the Globe-Dtmocmt |annoancing the great rictorv won by the AXHErsEB-BcsH Association with their ‘'EAOLE” Braud of 13eer. [Signed] ANHEUSER-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. s $ & r> m 'A & C*rm 7 se ► r- .. ar m -? W«*S % -j~i m — * i 7 SE ■ :2&aaSy •: , r— ’ ■MP 3Ē ordering this Beer besure toask for the “EAOLE” Brund. Macfarlane <fe Co., Mar. 14— '2md. A>jent« jor Hawaiinn Islanda. — AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sirv, Prompter, 2..S0.ī, by BIue Bull. 7->: D:;ui. Grace, bv Bncc;»neer. 2,b56. Prompter isn!so the Sir- of Apex, 256; Tmns;t, Wulkee 2531; Wales, 2:27 ; Chico, 254: and of the Daras Bnlliautine, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:28. “Creole’’ is jet lāaek, one hnd white fi»>t and sniall stripe ia face. Weight, 1,050 ponnds; is very stylish, gentie, a good prodncer an<i ■< game race horse, Will stand for a liunted nniuber of mares at bIh 1 \ DOI.I..\KS FOK THE SEASOX, payaWe at time of service. This horse was bred iu 1SA2 to forty-six maros and prodneed forty-two coits. feb 17-im 13 i [ 13 AV1S. 0Rm\ A Y & P0RTEE, Bobiuson Block . IIofel S( ., heiween F>>rt and Xnuanu, Have Jnst I?ece : vid. ]cr I »tc AiiiAs’s. tl.e I 6ipest Stcck of FUK NIl’l'EE Ever lmjiortcd to this Country, Coinjirising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets lii Soli<l Oak, andof ihe LATESTDESICNS. ESPL£IAL ATTENT10X 1S CALLED TO THESE SETS: WICK1ER WARE, Beaut fu! Des gns «•{ Wicker Ware, consisting of S0FAS, CHAIRS, R0CEERS, eto., vou ean get theso in anv FIMSH vou desire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS. in everv style, including OFFICE and IIIOH CHAIRS. TABLES, We have had a number of calls for tbese Tabies, with CHAIRS to match. We have now m stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINiNG ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers vr I> 117" A. 3XT S. D"vans coveretl with P0RTIERS are becoming qnite the rage in ulaee of L0UNGES—we maunfactare them to order, and havo a | laige stock of P0RTIERS to sekct from. | BEDDI1TG- | Great Assortment of WOVEN’ WIR£ MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, , Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand and made to order. UVE GEESE F£ATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Piliows. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WlNDOW SHADES of all colors and sizes. CORNICE POLES, in wood or bVass trimmings. 13 b i ie i asr o-. Mattres.se>, Lounges and all Upbolstered Furniture repaired at reasonable n.tes. CABINET MAKISG, in all its hmnehea, by Compeaent Workmen. MATTING LAID and Interior Decoratīng under the SnperrīsioD of Mr. GEORGE 0RDWAY. j Our Goods are F;rst Clasa. «nd our prices are the lowest Come and be c<mvinced—a trial is s*dicited. Betl 525. telephojtes; Mutuai 646. *0RDWAY <k P0RI£R. £obinfiOH RIock, between Fort aad Nnnana